Data by theme
Aggregate (millions of euro)current expenditure for health care of the resident populationInformation onitem
Select time
Health care financing schemeInformation onitemgovernment schemes and compulsory contributory health care financing schemesInformation onitemgovernment schemes and compulsory contributory health care financing schemesInformation onitemvoluntary health care payment schemesInformation onitemvoluntary health care payment schemesInformation onitemhousehold out-of-pocket paymentInformation onitemrest of the world financing schemesInformation onitemall financing schemes
government schemesInformation onitemcompulsory contributory health insurance schemes; compulsory Medical Savings AccountsInformation onitemvoluntary health insurance schemesInformation onitemNPISH financing schemesInformation onitementerprise financing schemesInformation onitem
Health care functionInformation onitem
Hide subtree curative and rehabilitative careInformation onitem74 74774 4313161 8681 716152018 106
94 721
 inpatient curative and rehabilitative careInformation onitem44 97444 97401691303901 355
46 498
 day curative and rehabilitative careInformation onitem4 3664 3660383800399
4 803
 outpatient curative and rehabilitative careInformation onitem24 79524 4793161 6101 54862016 189
42 594
 home-based curative and rehabilitative careInformation onitem6126120510510163
Hide subtree long-term care (health)Information onitem13 14713 1470114011404 423
17 684
 Inpatient long-term care (health)6 3166 31606306303 878
10 257
 day long-term care (health)810810000000
 outpatient long-term care (health) 2 7082 70800000429
3 137
 home-based long-term care (health)3 3133 3130510510116
3 480
ancillary services (non-specified by function)Information onitem12 12412 124041629412203 062
15 602
Hide subtree medical goods (non-specified by function)20 38520 38503713710014 983
35 739
 pharmaceuticals and other medical non-durable goodsInformation onitem19 61819 6180000011 109
30 727
 therapeutic appliances and other medical durable goodsInformation onitem7677670371371003 874
5 012
preventive care servicesInformation onitem8 4538 453081702978867
9 337
governance and health system and financing administrationInformation onitem1 4351 43501 6351 6072800
3 070
other health care services not elsewhere classified00000000
all functions130 291129 9753165 2213 98844578840 641
176 153
gthe instance exists, but is not known for any reason
Dati estratti il 30 lug 2024 02:47 UTC (GMT) da I.Stat


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