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Environment and Energy
Territorial features
Population and Households
Households Economic Conditions and Disparities
Health statistics
Social Security and Welfare
Education and training
Communication, culture, trips
Justice and Security
Daily life and citizen opinions
National Accounts
Industry and Construction
Public Administrations and Private Institutions
External Trade and Internationalisation
Labour and wages
Environment and Energy
Mining and quarrying
Extractive sites
Non-energetic mineral resources extracted (units of weight)
Non-energetic mineral resources extracted (units of volume)
Natural mineral waters withdrawn for production purposes (in units of weight and volume)
Extraction Intencity Indicator (in unit of weihgt and volume)
Households energy consumption
Hoseholds expenditure for energy consumption
Heating - availability, type and source - reg.
Heating - type of system by source and frequency use
Heating - frequency use - reg.
Heating - operating schedule - reg.
Conditioner - availability, type of system and frequency of use - reg.
Conditioner - operating schedule - reg.
Water system - availability, type and source - reg.
Water system - Type of system and energy source
Firewood and pellets - reg.
Firewood - type and supply - reg.
Bulbs - reg.
Appliances - reg.
Energy Balance
Gross domestic consumption
Production of gross electricity from renewable energy sources
Physical energy flow accounts (PEFA): available in theme "National accounts\Enviromental accounts"
Environment in the cities
Browse on IstatData
Urban environment
Water abstraction for drinkable use
Public water supply use
Public water supply use - reg.
Public water supply use - municipalities
Urban wastewater treatment plants
Urban wastewater treatment plants - reg.
Urban wastewater treatment plants - ato
Territorial features
Areas at hydrogeological risk
Population and Households
Browse on IstatData
Resident population on 1st January
Italia, regions, provinces
By age
Regions and municipalities
Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste
Provincia Autonoma Bolzano/Bozen
Provincia Autonoma Trento
Friuli-Venezia Giulia
All municipalities
Semi-supercentenarian population (105 years and more)
Resident population - balance
Annual data
Monthly data
Regions and municipalities
Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste
Provincia Autonoma Bolzano/Bozen
Provincia Autonoma Trento
Friuli Venezia-Giulia
All municipalities
Demographic indicators
Households size
Type of households
Type of households - regions and type of municipality
Couples with children
Couples with children - regions
Couples without children - regions
Single parents
Single parents - gender, age, marital status
Single parents - gender, marital status, geographical areas
Single parents - regions and type of municipality
Single parents by number and age class of the children
Single persons
Single persons - gender,age, marital status
Single persons - geographical areas and type of municipality
Young people living in family
Young people living in family
Young people living in family - Regions
Demographic projections - Years 2023-2080
Kinship by territory
Kinship - sex, age
Grandparents - age and living closeness
Grandparents - number and teritory
Living closeness by territory
Living closeness - sex, age
Frequency of contacts by territory
Type and frequency of contact - sex, age
Marriages and civil partnerships
Rite (%)
Marital status (%)
Age and marital status
Age class
Rite, age class of the spouses, marital status
Rite, education level, marital status
Rite, month of celebration
Marital property system and education level
Type of municipality and rite
Regions and municipalities
Vallée d'Aoste
Provincia Autonoma Bolzano/Bozen
Provincia Autonoma Trento
Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Spouses - Demographic characteristics
Age, year of birth and marital status
Age and duration of widowhood
Age and duration of divorce
Rite, age class and education level
Marriages - Socio-professional characteristics
Sector of economic activity, professional position
Marital property systems and professional status
Birth region
Residence region
Birth region of the bride and residence region of the bridegroom
Birth region of the bridegroom and residence region of the bride
Marriages - Citizenship
Data summary
Marriages by type of couple
Type of couple and area of citizenship
Type of couple and country of citizenship
Marriages of foreign spouses by citizenship
Marriages of spouses both foreigners for equality or otherwise of citizenship
Type of couple and education level
First or second marriages by type of couple
Rite and type of couple
Marriages - Indicators
Average age of bridegrooms at marriage by marital status
Average age of brides at marriage by marital status
Index numbers
Civil partnerships-Demographic characteristics
Gender (%)
Marital status (%)
Age class, marital status and sex
Education level, marital status and sex
Month of constitution and sex
Marital property system and education level
Partners by age, year of birth and marital status
Civil partnerships - Socio-professional characteristics
Marital property systems and professional position
Marital property systems and professional status
Sex and professional position
Sex and professional status
Birth region
Residence region
Birth region of the partner 2 and residence region of the partner 1
Birth region of the partner 1 and residence region of the partner 2
Civil partnerships - Citizenship
Civil partnerships by sex and type of couple
Civil partnerships with at least a foreign partner by area of citizenship
Civil partnerships with at least a foreign partner by countrie of citizenship
Both foreign partners by country of citizenship
Both foreign partners by country of citizenship and comparison of citizenship
Type of couple and education level
Type of couple and marital status
Civil partnerships - Indicators
Average age at civil partnership by marital status women
Average age at civil partnership by marital status men
Birthrate and fertility
Live births
Biths time series - prov
Live birth characteristics
Birth's sex and citizenship - prov.
Continent of foreign citizenship - reg.
Continental macro-area of foreign citizenship - reg.
Country of foreign citizenship - reg.
Live births inside and out of wedlock - prov.
Parents characteristics
Mother's age and citizenship - prov.
Citizenship parents, age of parents - prov.
Citizenship parents, marital status of parents - prov.
Fertility by birth order
Leading Indicators
Total fertility rate by event year and birth order
Age at childbirth by event year and birth order
Mothers age specific fertility rates by event year and birth order (per thousand women)
Total fertility rate by cohort and birth order
Age at childbirth by cohort and birth order
Fertility rates by mother's age, cohort and birth order (per thousand women)
Fertility by citizenship
Total fertility rate by event year and mother's citizenship
Mean age of mothers at childbirth by event year and citizenship
Fertility rates by mother's age, event year and mother's citizenship (per thousand women)
Mean age of the fathers at childbirth
Synthetic indicators
Death rate
Life tables
Age class
Life expectancies by educational attainemet – Link to tables
Separations and divorces
Separations - Demographic characteristics
Data summary
Place of birth
Place of residence
Age class at separation - spouses
Age class at separation - husband
Age class at separation - wife
Age class at marriage and year of marriage
Age class at marriage - husband
Age class at marriage - wife
Separations - Socio-professional characteristics
Spouses education level
Husband education level
Wife education level
Spouses labour status
Spouses professional status
Separations - Characteristics and children
Data summary
Granted separations
Type of judicial separation
Type of proceedings and rite of marriage celebration
Marriage duration
Year of marriage and number of children
Year of marriage and children in custody
Children in custody
Children under custody
Year of marriage
Age of children in custody and type of custody
Age and number of children in custody
Age of children in custody
Type of custody
Number of children in custody
Separations - Indicators
Review proceedings
Marriage and couple characteristics
Economic provisions for spouses
Economic provisions for children
Economic provisions for minor children
Family house assignement
Divorces - Demographic characteristics
Data summary
Place of birth
Place of residence
Age class at divorce - spouses
Age class at divorce - husband
Age class at divorce - wife
Age class at marriage and year of marriage
Age class at marriage - husband
Age class at marriage - wife
Divorces - Socio-professional characteristics
Spouses education level
Husband education level
Wife education level
Spouses labour status
Spouses professional status
Divorces - Characteristics and children
Rite of proceedings and rite of marriage celebration
Granted divorces
Period between separation and filing of divorce proceedings
Marriage duration
Year and rite of marriage celebration
Year of marriage and children in custody
Children in custody
Year of marriage and number of children
Spouse who presented the petition for divorce with judicial proceeding
Children under custody
Year of marriage
Number of children in custody and type of custody
Age and number of children in custody
Age of children in custody
Type of custody
Number of children in custody
Divorces - Indicators
Proceedings and divorces
Marriage and couple characteristics
Economic provisions for spouses
Economic provisions for children
Economic provisions for minor children
Family house assignement
Broken time series
Separations - Demographic characteristics 2008-2014
Data summary
Place of birth
Place of residence
Age class at separation - spouses
Age class at separation - husband
Age class at separation - wife
Age class at marriage and year of marriage
Age class at marriage - husband
Age class at marriage - wife
Separations - Social characteristics 2008-2014
Spouses education level
Husband education level
Wife education level
Spouses labour status
Spouses professional status
Data summary
Separations - Characteristics and minor children in custody 2008-2014
Data summary
Granted separations
Type of judicial separation
Type of proceedings and rite of marriage celebration
Marriage duration
Year of marriage and number of children
Year of marriage and children in custody
Children in custody
Children under custody
Year of marriage
Age of children in custody and type of custody
Age and number of children in custody
Age of children in custody
Type of custody
Number of children in custody
Separations - Indicators 2008-2014
Review proceedings
Marriage and couple characteristics
Economic provisions
Marriage and couple characteristics - synthesis
Separations - Indicators by mixed couples
Separations series 1980-2007
Divorces - Demographic characteristics 2008-2014
Data summary
Place of birth
Place of residence
Age class at divorce - spouses
Age class at divorce - husband
Age class at divorce - wife
Age class at marriage and year of marriage
Age class at marriage - husband
Age class at marriage - wife
Divorces - Social characteristics 2008-2014
Spouses education level
Husband education level
Wife education level
Spouses labour status
Spouses professional status
Data summary
Divorces - Characteristics and minor children in custody 2008-2014
Data summary
Granted divorces
Rite of proceedings
Period between separation and filing of divorce proceedings
Marriage duration
Year of marriage and type of proceedings
Type of proceedings
Year of marriage and children in custody
Children in custody
Year of marriage and number of children
Spouse who presented the petition for divorce with judicial proceeding
Children under custody
Year of marriage
Number of children in custody and type of custody
Age and number of children in custody
Age of children in custody
Type of custody
Number of children in custody
Divorces - Indicators 2008-2014
Proceedings and divorces
Marriage and couple characteristics
Economic provisions
Marriage and couple characteristics - synthesis
Divorces - Indicators for mixed couples
Divorces series 1980-2007
Migration (Transfer of residence)
Internal migration - Italian and foreign
Immigrants - citizenship
Immigrants - country of origin
Immigrants - province of next residence
Emigrants - citizenship
Emigrants - countries of next residence
Emigrants - province of origin
Foreigners and Immigrants
Resident foreigners on 1st January
Italy, regions, provinces
Regions and municipalities
Vallée d'Aoste
Provincia Autonoma Bolzano/Bozen
Provincia Autonoma Trento
Friuli-Venezia Giulia
All municipalities
Resident foreigners on 1st January - Citizenship
Italy, regions, provinces - Country of citizenship
Regions and municipalities
Valle d'Aosta / Vallée d'Aoste
Provincia Autonoma Bolzano / Bozen
Provincia Autonoma Trento
Friuli-Venezia Giulia
All municipalities
Italy, regions, provinces - Area of citizenship
Resident foreigners - Balance
Italy, regions, provinces
Regions and municipalities
Vallée d'Aoste
Provincia Autonoma Bolzano/Bozen
Provincia Autonoma Trento
Friuli-Venezia Giulia
All municipalities
Resident foreigners and life conditions
Citizenship and age
Citizenship and presence in Italy
Gender and presence in Italy
Level of education and gender
Type of household, citizenship and gender
Type of household and presence in Italy
Households with foreign citizens
Couple composition and children families with foreign citizens
Average age of foreign citizen in couple
Mother tongue and use of italian language
Mother tongue
Use of italian language in household and with friends, gender and age
Use of italian language in household and with friends, citizenship
Use of italian language in household and with friends, presence in Italy
Use of italian language in household and with friends and type of household
Use of italian language of foreign citizen in couple
Use of italian language, gender and age
Use of italian language at work e citizenship
Discriminations suffered
Discriminations suffered, gender and age
Discriminations suffered and citizenship
Discriminations suffered and level of education
Discriminations suffered and type of household
Discriminations suffered by foreigners in couple
Satisfaction with life and work, gender and age
Satisfaction with life and work, citizenship
Level of satisfaction, gender and age
Level of satisfaction and citizenship
Level of satisfaction and presence in Italy
Level of satisfaction, level of education and labour status
Level of satisfaction and type of household
Level of satisfaction of foreign citizens in couple
Level of satisfaction and discriminations suffereds suffered
Acquisitions of citizenship
Process and age class
Most relevant country of citizenship
Residence permits of non-EU citizens
Type of residence permit and citizenship
Type of residence permit and age class
Type of residence permit and marital status
Type of residence permit and province
Province and citizenship
Province and age class
Province and marital status
Annual inflows
Citizenship and reason
Citizenship and marital status
Citizenship, gender, age
Gender, age, province
Inter censuses population
Estimated resident population - Years 2001-2019
Italy, regions, provinces
Demographic balance from 21 October 2001 to 31 December 2018
Demographic balance - Regions and municipalities
Valle d'Aosta / Vallée d'Aoste
Provincia Autonoma Bolzano / Bozen
Provincia Autonoma Trento
Friuli-Venezia Giulia
All municipalities
Estimated resident population - Years 1991-2001
Italy, regions, municipalities
Demographic balance - Regions and municipalities
Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste
Provincia Autonoma Bolzano/Bozen
Provincia Autonoma Trento
Friuli-Venezia Giulia
All municipalities
Demographic balance from 20 October 1991 to 21 October 2001
Estimated resident population - Years 1982-1991
Italy, regions, provinces
Regions and municipalities
Vallée d'Aoste
Provincia Autonoma Bolzano/Bozen
Provincia Autonoma Trento
Friuli-Venezia Giulia
All municipalities
Estimated resident population - Years 1972-1981
Estimated resident population - Years 1952-1971
Demographic projections
Demographic projections - Years 2023-2080
Population on 1st january
Population change components
Demographic indicators
Household projections – Years 2023-2043
Projected persons living in households by living arrangement and five-years age class - Median scenario
Households and average household size by household type - Medium scenario
Households Economic Conditions and Disparities
Browse on IstatData
Household income
Net income
Household size
Household type
Number of children under 18 living in household
Number of elderly over 65 living in household
Gender of main income earner
Age class of main income earner
Educational level of main income earner
Professional status of main income earner
Regions and type of municipality
Households per income source
Household size
Household type
Number of children under 18 and of elderly over 65 in family
Gender and age of main income earner
Educational level and professional status of main income earner
Regions and type of municipality
Homogeneity of regional income
Household income quintile
Household size
Household type
Number of children under 18 and of enderly over 65 in family
Gender and age class of main income earner
Educational level and professional status of main income earner
Irpef taxable incomes (Ipef) - municipalities
Taxpayers and main income categories
Taxpayers and aggregate income by amount class
Ownership of durable goods and perception of the economic condition
Perception of the economic condition - number of components
Perception of the economic condition - reg. and type of municipality
Ownership of durable goods - reg. and type of municipality
Household consumption expenditure
Consumption expenditure - Coicop 2018 - (IstatData) - since 2022
Consumption expenditure
Change in consumption expenditure (from 2018)
Change in consumption expenditure (from 2014 to 2017)
Household size
Household type
Level of education attained by the reference person
Professional condition of the reference person
Expenditure quantile
Expenditure item (ECoicop)
Consumption distribution
Household size and household type
Professional condition of the reference person
Broken time series 1997-2013
Changes in household purchasing behaviour
Households and type of consumption
Average monthly expenditure and type of expenditure
Average monthly expenditure
Type of expenditure
Household size
Type of household
Professional condition of the reference person
Homogeneity of regional expenditure
Household size
Type of household
Professional condition of the reference person
Household expenditure quintile
Household size
Type of household
Professional condition of the reference person
Economic distress
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion
Household number of components
Household type
Main source of income
Number of children under 18 and of elderly over 65 in family
Gender and age of main income earner
Educational level and professional status of main income earner
Citizenship of the main earner
Geographical area and type of municipality
Broken time series 2018-2021
Household number of components
Household type
Main source of income
Number of children under 18 and of elderly over 65 in family
Gender and age of main income earner
Educational level and professional status of main income earner
Citizenship of the main earner
Geographical area and type of municipality
Households with arreared paymentes
Household size
Household type
Number of children under 18 and of elderly over 65 in family
Gender and age of main income earner
Educational level and professional status of main income earner
Geographical area and type of municipalities
Households who can't afford to save or to face unexpected expenses
Household size
Household type
Number of children under 18 and of elderly over 65 in family
Gender and age of main income earner
Educational level and professional status of main income earner
Geographical area, regions and type of municipality
Households who believe too heavy some housing-costs or repayment of debts
Household size
Type of household
Number of children under 18 and of elderly over 65 in family
Gender and age of main income earner
Educational level and professional status of main income earner
Geographical areas and type of municipality
Households who can't afford to purchase some durable goods
Household size
Type of household
Number of children under 18 and of elderly over 65 in family
Gender and age of main income earner
Educational level and professional status of main income earner
Geographical areas and type of municipality
Households for minimum income needed to make ends meet
Household size
Type of household
Number of children under 18 and of elderly over 65 in family
Gender and age of main income earner
Educational level and professional status of main income earner
Geographical areas and type of municipality
Households by ability to make ends meet
Household size
Type of household
Number of children under 18 and of elderly over 65 in family
Gender and age of main income earner
Educational level and professional status of main income earner
Geographical area, regions and type of municipality
Households who do not afford to buy selected items
Household size
Type of household
Number of children under 18 and of elderly over 65 in family
Gender and age of main income earner
Educational level and professional status of main income earner
Geographical areas and type of municipality
Households who do not have enough money for selected items
Household size
Type of household
Number of children under 18 and of elderly over 65 in family
Gender and age of main income earner
Educational level and professional status of main income earner
Geographical areas and type of municipality
Poverty new methodology - (IstatData) - from 2022
Poverty broken time series 1997-2013
Absolute poverty threshold
Absolute poverty threshold
Absolute poverty threshold
Absolute poverty indicators
Household absolute poverty incidence
Data by number of components
Age of the reference person 55 and over
Household absolute poverty incidence: age of the reference person up to 35 years
Household typology of persons aged 65 and over
Household with elderly components
Data by household typology
Data by household with minor children
Data by household with elderly components
Data by age of the reference person
Data by education level of the reference person
Data by occupation of the reference person
Household absolute poverty intensity
Relative poverty threshold
Relative poverty indicators
Household relative poverty incidence
National and sub national data
Data by age of the reference person (persons aged 55 and over)
Household relative poverty incidence: age of the reference person up to 35 years
Household relative poverty incidence: household typology of persons aged 65 and over
Household relative poverty incidence: household with elderly components
Data by number of components
Data by household typology
Data by household with minor children
Data by household with elderly components
Data by age of the reference person
Data by education level of the reference person
Data by occupation of the reference person
Household relative poverty incidence: age of the reference person 55 and over
Household relative poverty intensity
Housing conditions
Housing costs
Tenure status
Household size and household type
Number of children under 18 and number of elderly over 65 living in household
Gender and age class of main income earner
Educational level and professional status of main income earner
Regions and type of municipality
Housing crowding
Household size and household type
Number of children and numberof enderly in family
Gender and age class of main income earner
Educational level and professional status of main income earner
Household income level and tenure status
Regions and type of municipality
Damaged, humid and lightless house
Household size and household type
Number of children under 18 and number of elderly over 65 living in household
Gender and age class of main income earner
Educational level and professional status of main income earner
Household income level and tenure status
Regions and type of municipality
Tenure status (rent or property)
Household size and household type
Number of children under 18 and number of enderly over 65 in household
Gender and age class of main income earner
Educational level and professional status of main income earner
Household income level (Fifth of equivalent household income)
Regions and type of municipality
Characteristics of the house
Outside areas and heating in the housing
Supply of gas mode
Residential mobility
House costs, water and other problems with the house
Broken time series
Housing costs for households with non national members
Consumer confidence - (IstatData)
Health statistics
Life styles and risk factors
Smoking habit
Smoking habit- age detail
Smoking habit - age, educational level
Smoking habit - occupational position
Smoking habit - regions and type of municipality
Drinking habit
Water and carbonate beverages - age detail
Water and carbonate beverages - age, educational level
Water and carbonate beverages - occupational position
Water and carbonate beverages - regions and type of municipality
Wine and beer - age detail
Wine and beer - age, educational level
Wine and beer - occupational position
Wine and beer - regions and type of municipality
Drinks, bitter drinks and spirits - age detail
Drinks, bitter drinks and spirits - age, educational level
Drinks, bitter drinks and spirits - occupational position
Drinks, bitter drinks and spirits - regions and type of municipality
Alcoholic beverages beetwen meals - age detail
Alcoholic beverages beetwen meals - age, educational level
Alcoholic beverages beetwen meals - occupational position
Alcoholic beverages beetwen meals - regions and type of municipality
Body mass index and weight control
Body mass index and weight control - gender
Body mass index - age detail
Body mass index - age, educational level
Body mass index - occupational position
Body mass index - regions and type of municipality
Domestic accidents
Domestic accidents - age detail
Domestic accidents - age, educational level
Domestic accidents- occupational position
Domestic accidents - regions and type of municipality
Food habit and use of foods
Meal habits - age detail
Meal habits - age, educational level
Meal habits - - occupational position
Meal habits - regions and type of municipality
Coldcuts, meat, eggs, fish - age detail
Coldcuts, meat, eggs, fish - age, educational level
Coldcuts, meat, eggs, fish - occupational position
Coldcuts, meat, eggs, fish - regions and type of municipality
Bread, legumes, milk and cheese - age detail
Bread, legumes, milk and cheese - age, educational level
Bread, legumes, milk and cheese - occupational position
Bread, legumes, milk and cheese - regions and type of municipality
Vegetables, green and fruit - age detail
Vegetables, green and fruit - age, educational level
Vegetables, green and fruit - occupational position
Vegetables, green and fruit - regions and type of municipality
Oil and salt - age detail
Oil and salt - age, educational level
Oil and salt - occupational position
Oil and salt - regions and type of municipality
Health status and use of drugs
Health status
Health status - age detail
Health status - age, educational level
Health status - occupational position
Health status - regions and type of municipality
Use of drugs
Use of drugs - age detail
Use of drugs - age, educational level
Use of drugs - occupational position
Use of drugs - regions and type of municipality
Causes of death
Mortality by place of registration
Cause - prov.
Cause and age
Cause and country of citizenship
Age and country of citizenship
Education level, marital status and month of death
Year of birth
Year of marriage and age of the spouse
Mortality by territory of residence
Cause - prov.
Cause and age
Cause and country of citizenship
Age and country of citizenship
Education level, marital status and month of death
Year of birth
Year of marriage and age of the spouse
Mortality rates - prov.
Infant mortality by place of registration
Cause and age
Cause and citizenship of the mother
Age,education level and age of the mother, filiation and month of death - prov.
Citizenship of the mother - prov.
Infant mortality by territory of residence
Age,education level and age of the mother, filiation and month of death - prov.
Citizenship of the mother - prov.
Infant mortality rates - prov.
Multiple causes of death
Ratio of underlying cause to multiple cause of death
Number of conditions by underlying cause of death
Mentions of specified multiple cause of death
Infant mortality - ratio of underlying cause to multiple cause of death
Infant mortality - Mentions of specified multiple cause of death
Statistical time series
Gender and age
Method of suicide
Method of suicide and comorbidity
Educational level
Civil status
Suicides and suicide attempts broken time series 1985-2008
Road accidents
Road accidents with injuries
Killed and injured in road accidents
Road accidents, killed and injured - municipalities
Vehicles involved in road accidents
Road accidents indicators
Mortality index
Harmfulness index
Vehicles - Public automotive register
Vehicles - Public Register of Motor-vehicles - municipalities
Women Reproductive health
Spontaneous abortions - resignation from the woman's place of residence
Age and weeks of amenorrhea
Age, marital status and educational level
Age and professional status
Age, reproductive history of the woman and number of the event
Average number of weeks of amenorrhea
Miscarriage rates and miscarriage ratios
Standardized rates and ratios, total spontaneous abortion rate
Provincial data
Age - prov.
Weeks of amenorrhea - prov.
Marital status - prov.
Education level - prov.
Professional condition - prov.
Reproductive history of the woman and number of the event - prov.
Use of medically assisted procreation techniques - prov.
Medically assisted procreation method - prov.
Average number of weeks of amenorrhea - prov.
Mean age of women - prov.
Spontaneous abortions - resignation from the woman's birthplace
Spontaneous abortions - resignation from the place of the event
Age and country of citizenship of the woman
Age of the woman and week of amenorrhea
Age of women and use of medically assisted procreation techniques
Age of the woman and method of medically assisted procreation
Type of intervention, complication and week of amenorrhea
Average hospitalization by type of intervention and weeks of amenorrhea
Average hospitalization and type of complication
Region of residence of the woman
Provincial data
Age of women - prov.
Country of citizenship of the woman - prov.
Type of intervention - prov.
Antalgic therapy - prov.
Type of complication - prov.
Use of medically assisted procreation techniques - prov.
Medically assisted procreation method - prov.
Place of abortion - prov
Voluntary interruptions of pregnancy - characteristics of the woman
Age, marital status and reproductive history
Age and previous reproductive history
Age, marital status and educational level
Age, marital status and professional status
Abortion rate (values per 1000 women) total and standardized
Voluntary abortion rate by age and marital status (per 1000 women)
Voluntary abortion rate of underage women (per 1000 women)
Provincial data
Average age at voluntary interruption of pregnancy - prov. of residence
Age - prov. of event
Age - prov. of birth
Age - prov. of residence
Minors for assent - prov. of residence
Age of women with foreign citizenship - prov. of residence
Country of citizenship - prov. of residence
Marital status - prov. of residence
Education level- prov. of residence
Professional condition - prov. of residence
Reproductive history - prov. of residence
Induced abortions characteristics of the event
Type of intervention, antalgic therapy and weeks of amenorrhea
Type of intervention, antalgic therapy and gestational age
Type of intervention - prov.
Antalgic therapy - prov.
Weeks of amenorrhea - prov.
Gestational age- prov.
Institution that issued the certification - prov.
Waiting days between certification and intervention - prov.
Urgency level - prov.
Place of abortion - prov.
Type of complication - prov.
Presence of fetal malformations - prov.
Induced abortions - Migration
Emigration indicators
Immigration indicators
Events by region of residence of the woman and region of intervention
Health services and their appeal
Primary care: available in "Personnel of health services"
Primary care - broken time series
Outpatient and residential facilities - broken time series
Type of outpatient and residential facilities
Activities of outpatient and residential facilities
Personnel of health services
Public and private hospitals and their activities
Hospital beds and activities by clinical specialty
Hospitals - broken time series
National health service hospitals resources and activities
National health service hospitals wards resources and activities
Medical technology in National health service hospitals
Personnel in National health service hospitals
Hospitals - municipalities
Public and private hospitals
Hospital beds by clinical specialty
Doctor consultations and diagnostic tests
Doctor consultations
Doctor consultations - std and regional values
Diagnostic tests
Diagnostic tests - std and regional values
First aid and holiday and night-time medical care
First aid and holiday and night-time medical care - age detail
First aid and holiday and night-time medical care - age, educational level
First aid and holiday and night-time medical care - occupational position
First aid and holiday and night-time medical care - regions and type of municipality
Hospitalization and satisfaction with health care facilities
Hospitalization - age detail
Hospitalization - age, educational level
Hospitalization - occupational position
Hospitalization - regions and type of municipality
Satisfaction with health care facilities - age detail
Satisfaction with health care facilities - age, educational level
Satisfaction with health care facilities - occupational position
Satisfaction with health care facilities - regions and type of municipality
Hospitalizations for acute care by citizenship
Sex,age and patient's citizenship
Main diagnosis
Province of discharge
Hospital discharges for mental disorders by place of residence
Sex and age
Sex and marital status
Clinical classification
Hospital discharges day care
Average length of stay inpatient care
Patients admitted to a place other than that of residence - reg.
Patients admitted to a place other than that of residence - prov.
Resignation for mental disorders compared to the place of discharge
Hospital discharges by type of institution
Discharges by inpatient care and type of admission
Resignation for clinical aggregate
Hospital discharges by type of department
Hospital discharges of patients with compulsory medical treatment
Patients admitted to a place other than that of residence - reg.
Patients admitted to a place other than that of residence - prov.
Social Security and Welfare
Browse on IstatData
Social services
Social services and benefits of municipalities
Indicators - prov.
Expenditure for type of provider - reg.
Users and expenditure - reg.
Users and expenditure - prov. and municipalities
Users and expenditures - Ambiti Territoriali Sociali (Ats)
Social services and benefits of regions and provinces
Users and expenditure - regions
Expenditure by kind of provider - regions
Socio-educational services for infancy day-care
Indicators - prov.
Services provided by municipalities - reg.
Services provided by municipalities - prov. and municipalities
Services provided by municipalities - ambiti territoriali sociali (Ats)
Territorial services- reg.
Territorial services - prov. and municipalities
Territorial services - ambiti territoriali sociali (Ats)
Residential care institutions
Guests of social and health care residential facilities
Data summary
Minor guests
Minor guests by age class - geographical areas
Minor guests by gender - reg.
Minor guests by type of need - geographical areas
Minor guests by type of residential care centre - geographical areas
Minor guests by function of social protection - geographical areas
Minor guests by level of health care - geographical areas
Minor guests by reason for admission - geographical areas
Minor guests by adoptability status - geographical areas
Minor guests discharged by destination - geographical areas
Adult guests
Adult guests by age class - reg.
Adult guests by gender and type of need - reg.
Adult guests by type of residential care - reg.
Adult guests by function of social protection - reg.
Adult guests by level of health care - reg.
Elderly guests
Elderly guests by age class and type of need - reg.
Elderly guests by type of residential care centre - reg.
Elderly guests by gender and function of social protection - reg.
Elderly guests by gender and level of health care - reg.
Foreigner guests
Foreign guests by gender - reg.
Foreign minor guests by gender - reg.
Foreign minor guests by type of need - geographical areas
Foreign minor guests by reason for admission - geographical areas
Foreign adult guests by gender and type of need - reg.
Foreign elderly guests by gender and type of need - reg.
Broken time series
Minor guests by origin - geographical areas
Foreign minor guests by origin for minor guests - geographical areas
Residential social and health care facilities
Residencial facilities - reg.
Beds by target users and type of residential care centre
Beds by target users and function of social protection
Beds by target of users and level of health care
Beds by target users - reg.
Beds by type of residential care centre - reg.
Beds by function of social protection - reg.
Beds by level of health care - reg.
Beds by legal status of the holder and public funding - reg.
Beds by type of administrator - reg.
Staff - reg.
Residential care facilities (broken time series)
Pension beneficiaries
Data summary
Monthly amount class
Age class - prov.
Indicators - reg.
Data summary
Montly amount class - prov.
Age class - prov.
Osd and compensatory - Monthly amount class, sector and ex professional status- prov.
Osd and compensatory - age class, sector and ex professional status - prov.
Indicators - reg.
Education and training
Data summary
Pre-primary - schools, classes, children
Pre-primary - state schools' teachers
Pre-primary - educational indicators
Primary school - schools, classes, students
Primary school - state schools' teachers
Primary school - educational indicators
Lower secondary school - schools, classes, students
Lower secondary school - state schools' teachers
Lower secondary school - educational indicators
Upper secondary school - schools, classes, students
Upper secondary school - state schools' teachers
Upper secondary school - educational indicators
Upper secondary school - graduates
Upper secondary school - repeaters per school year level
Schools (broken time series)
Pre-primary school
Schools, classes and children
State schools teachers
Primary school
Schools, classes and pupils
State schools teachers
Lower secondary school
Schools, classes and pupils
State schools teachers
Upper secondary school
Schools, classes and students
State schools teachers
Schools series 2002-2009
Disability and school
Disabled pupils
Schools with pupils with disabilities and figures for integration
Schools with pupils with deafness and presence of communicators
Services for disabled pupils
Schools with architectural barriers
Schools with pupils with disabilities and adapted computer stations
University students
University students by type and region of the university (2008-2010)
Enrolments by region of residence (2008-2010)
University students - municipality of residence
Students by gender
Students by citizenship
Students by field of study
University students - municipality of the university
Students by gender
Students by citizenship
Students by field of study
Graduates (2007-2009)
University indicators
University professors
University professors 2007-2011
University series 2002-2007
Student characteristics and transition to work
High school graduates - socio-demographic characteristics and curriculum
Type of diploma
Legal nature of the school and satisfaction
Citizenship and cohabiting family members
Place of living region
Parents' highest level of education attained
Post - diploma training
Registration for any type of post-diploma course
Registration for professional training courses - gender and type of diploma
Registration for professional training courses - region of habitual residence
University enrollment - gender and type of diploma
Registration to university - region of habitual residence
Enrollment in non-university tertiary studies - gender and type of diploma
Enrollment in non-university tertiary studies - region of habitual residence
High school graduates - employment conditions and remuneration
Sex and type of diploma
Occupation CP2011
Professional status and hours worked
Sector of employement and economic activity
Wage by diploma
Wage and type of employment
High school degree usefulness
Job satisfaction (average values)
Region and occupational status
Region and wage
High school graduates - seeking a job
Seeking a job and professional status
Seeking a job and place of residence
Professional status, time and place of work desired
High school graduates series 1998-2007
University graduates - Socio-demographic characteristics and curriculum
High school degree
Judgment (from 0 to 10) on the factors of choice at the university
Field of study
Mobility programme participation
Previous degree
Current enrollment in training activities
Completion of training activities
Parents' highest level of education attained
University graduates - occupational status
Degree group and occupational condition
Degree and profession group
Degree group and monthly income
Professional status
Economic activity and sector of employement
Job satisfaction
Region of residence and occupational status
Region of residence and monthly income
University graduates - job search
Job search in Italy or abroad (employed or not)
Desired occupation and working hours (employed or not)
University graduates series 1998-2007
PhD graduates - socio-demographic characteristics and curriculum
Citizenship, age
Marital status
Programme completed within the legal time, field of study
Income source during education
Parents' highest level of education attained
PhD graduates - professional status
Occupational status, gender,place of residence
Occupational status, field of study
Sector of employement,professional status
Economic activity
Job and educational attainment coeherence
Research and Development activities
PhD graduates - wage and hours worked
Wage by place of residence and field of study
Wage and professional status
PhD graduates, hours worked per week and professional status
PhD graduates - job search and satisfaction
Job search and professionall status
Professional status and full-time vs part-time preference
Preferred territory for working and research field employment preference
Satisfaction (of 0 to 10) for the job and the programme completed
PhD graduates - territorial mobility
Time spent abroad, field of study
Time spent abroad during and after the doctoral programme, employment, gender
Intention of leaving Italy
Doctoral graduates living abroad, employment, gender
Doctoral graduates living abroad, field of study
Population 15 years and over by highest level of education - previous regulation (until 2020)
Population by highest level of education attained and age class
Population by highest level of education and regions
Population by highest level of education - national and non national
Early leavers from education and training - aged 18 to 24 - previous regulation (until 2020)
Data summary
Labour status
Absolute value
Communication, culture, trips
Museums and similar institutions
Data summary
Membership at museum circuit
Type of management and admission free
Visiting period
Type of services
Museums and similar institutions - municipalities
State owned libraries
Data summary
Works lent by type of user
Library staff
State owned libraries series 1985-2008
State Archives
Activities and services
Area of facilities by use
Documents kept on the rooms by type
Users by reasons
Researches by type
State Archives 2008
Published books
Data summary
Price and printed copies
Published books series 1984-2009
Entertainments - types of users
Entertainments - age detail
Entertainments - gender, age, educational level
Entertainments - occupational status
Entertainments - regions and type of municipality
Mass media and books - types of users
Tv and radio - sex, age and educational level
Tv and radio - detail age
Tv and radio - occupational status
Tv and radio - regions and type of municipality
Newspapers and books - sex, age and educational level
Newspapers and books - detail age
Newspapers and books - occupational status
Newspapers and books - regions and type of municipality
Internet and pc - type of users
PC - sex, age, educational level
PC - age detail
PC - occupational status
PC - reg. and type of municipality
Internet - sex, age, educational level
Internet - age detail
Internet - occupational status
Internet - reg. and type of municipalities
Internet: access and type of use
Families and internet access
Families and internet access - reg. and type of municipalities
Families and type of connection - regions and type of municipalities
Internet activities
Internet activities - reg. and type of municipalities
Interaction with the public authorities
Interaction with the public authorities - reg. and type of municipalities
Purchases or orders
Purchases or orders - reg. and type of municipalities
Type of goods and services purchased
Type of goods and services purchased - reg. and type of municipalities
Persons who went and didn't go on holiday
Persons aged 15 and over who didn't go on holiday
Persons who went on holiday
Persons who made trips
Travelers for 100 residents
Gender and age class
Professional status
For business travelers
Trips by purpose
Holiday trips of 4 or more overnight stays
Holiday trips for pleasure/leisure - annual data
Holiday trips for pleasure/leisure - quarterly data
Holiday trips for pleasure/leisure by main destination
Holiday trips for pleasure/leisure by lenght
Business trips
Cultural trips - quarterly data
Cultural trips by type of activity
Trips and their characteristics
Destination - quarterly data
Accomodation and destination
Means of transport and destination
Starting month
Region of destination
Foreign country of destination
Trips by arrangement
Accomodation booking
Accomodation booking
Internet booking
Accommodation booking via internet
Transport booking via internet
Trips by characteristics of the tourist
Gender, age class
Professional status
Residence and destination
Residence and type of trip
Holidays - residence and type of accommodation
Holidays - residence and means of transport
Trip per capital
Overnight stays for trips
Type of trip
Gender and age class
Professional status
Destination and residence
Destination and type of accommodation
Overnight stays in Italy and region of destination
Overnight stays abroad and country of destination
Average number of overnight stays for trips
Vacation nights for 1,000 residents (daily averages)
Same-day visits
Quarterly data
Main purpose
Main means of transport
Region of destination
Expenditure on tourism trips in rented accomodations
Type of accomodation
Trips and overnightstays – Statistical back recalculation 1997-2013
Quarterly data
Residence - geographical area
Trips and holidays broken time series 1998-2013
Persons who made trips (quarterly data)
Persons who made trips by type of trip, destination and quarter. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Persons who made trips by type of trip, gender and quarter. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Persons who made trips by type of trip, age group and quarter. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Persons who made trips by type of trip and quarter. Absolute values (in thousands) - Sub National Data
Persons who made trips by type of trip, destination and quarter. Share per 100 inhabitants - National Data
Persons who made trips by type of trip and quarter. Share per 100 inhabitants - Sub National Data
Persons who made trips by type of trip, gender and quarter. Share per 100 inhabitants with the same characteristics - National Data
Persons who made trips by type of trip, age group and quarter. Share per 100 inhabitants with the same characteristics - National Data
Employed aged 15 and over who made business trips by gender and quarter. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Employed aged 15 and over who made business trips by quarter. Absolute values (in thousands) - Sub National Data
Employed aged 15 and over who made business trips by gender and quarter. Share per 100 inhabitans with the same characteristics - National Data
Employed aged 15 and over who made business trips by quarter. Share per 100 inhabitans with the same characteristics- Sub National Data
Persons aged 15 and over who made trips by type of trip, employment situation and quarter. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Persons aged 15 and over who made trips by type of trip, employment situation and quarter. Share per 100 inhabitants with the same characteristics - National Data
Persons who made trips. Average value of the 4 quarters. Share per 100 inhabitants - Sub National Data
Employed aged 15 and over who made business trips. Average value of the 4 quarters. Absolute values (in thousands) - Sub National Data
Employed aged 15 and over who made business trips. Average value of the 4 quarters. Share per 100 inhabitans with the same characteristics - Sub National Data
Type of trip and destination
Type of trip and gender
Type of trip and age group
Type of trip and employment situation
Sub National Data
Average value
Sub National Data
Average values
Persons not participating in holidays (quarterly data)
Persons not participating in holidays by main reason and quarter. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Persons not participating in holidays by main reason and quarter.-Percentage compositions - National Data
Main reasons
Trips by purpose
Holiday trips by main purpose and duration. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Holiday trips by main purpose and duration. Percentage values on holiday trips with the same duration- National Data
Holiday trips of 4 or more overnight stays by quarter and duration. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Holiday trips of 4 or more overnight stays by quarter and duration. Percentage values on holiday trips of 4 or more overnight stays made during the reporting
Holiday trips for pleasure/leisure by type of holiday and duration - Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Holiday trips for pleasure/leisure by type of holiday and duration - Percentage values on holiday trips with the same duration - National Data
Holiday trips for pleasure/leisure by type of destination-share per 100 trips with the same destination - National Data
Business trips by main purpose. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Business trips by main purpose. Percentage values on business trips - National Data
Holidays trips for main purpose
Holiday trips of 4 or more overnight stays
Holiday trips for pleasure (until 2012)
Holiday trips for pleasure and destination (v.p. from 2013)
Business trips by main purpose
Trips by characteristics of the trip
Trips by quarter, main destination and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Trips by starting year, month and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Trips by main destination and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Trips by main destination, organization and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Trips by main destination and organization. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Trips by organization of accomodation and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Trips by organization of transport and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Trips with accommodation and transport booked via Internet by type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Holidays and Business Trips by main destination and main means of transport. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Holidays and Business Trips by main destination and main accomodation. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Trips by quarter and type of trip. Percentage values on trips made during the reporting period - National Data
Trips by main destination and organization. Percentage values on trips with the same destination - National Data
Trips by starting year, month and type of trip. Percentage values on trips of the same type - National Data
Trips by main destination and type of trip. Percentage values on trips of the same type - National Data
Trips by organization of accomodation and type of trip. Percentage values on trips of the same type - National Data
Trips by organization of transport and type of trip. Percentage values on trips of the same type - National Data
Trips with accommodation and transport booked via Internet by type of trip. Percentage values on trips of the same type - National Data
Trips by main destination, organization and type of trip. Percentage values on trips of the same type and with the same destination - National Data
Holidays and Business Trips by main destination and main means of transport. Percentage values on trips of the same type and with the same destination - National Data
Holidays and Business Trips by main destination and main accomodation. Percentage values on trips of the same type and with the same destination - National Data
Trips abroad by country of destination and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Trips abroad by country of destination and type of trip. Percentage values on trips abroad of the same type - National Data
Trips in Italy by region of destination and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Trips abroad by region of destination and type of trip. Percentage values on trips in Italy of the same type - National Data
Average trip per capita by geographical area
Trips by characteristics of the tourist
Trips by gender, age group and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Trips by origin and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - Sub National Data
Trips by type of trip, origin e destination. Absolute values (in thousands) - Sub National Data
Trips by origin and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - Type of municipality
Trips made by residend aged 15 and over by employment status and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Holidays by duration, main means of transport and origin. Absolute values (in thousands) - Sub National Data
Holidays by duration, main accomodation and origin. Absolute values (in thousands) - Sub National Data
Trips by origin and type of trip. Percentage values on trips with the same origin of person who made trip - Sub National Data
Trips by origin and type of trip. Percentage values on trips with the same origin of person who made trip- Type of municipality
Trips by gender and type of trip. Percentage values on trips of the same type - National Data
Trips by age group and type of trip. Percentage values on trips of the same type - National Data
Trips by type of trip and origin. Percentage values on trips of the same type - Sub National Data
Trips by type of trip, origin e destination. Percentage values on trips of the same type and with the same destination - Sub National Data
Trips by gender, age group and type of trip. Percentage values on trips of the same type made by people with same characteristics - National Data
Trips by destination and type of trip. Percentage values on trips of the same type made by people with the same origin - Sub National Data
Trips made by residend aged 15 and over by employment status and type of trip. Percentage values on trips of the same type - National Data
Holidays by duration, main means of transport and origin. Percentage values on holiday trips of the same duration and with the same origin of person who made holiday - Sub National Data
Holidays by duration, main accomodation and origin. Percentage values on holiday trips of the same duration and with the same origin of person who made holiday - Sub National Data
Overnight stays for trips
Overnight stays for trips by quarter, main destination and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Overnight stays for trips by main destination, main type of accommodation and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Overnight stays for main destination and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Overnight stays for trips by gender, age group and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Overnight stays for main destination and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - Sub National Data
Overnight stays in Italy by region of destination and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Overnight stays abroad by country of destination and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Overnight stays for trips made by residend aged 15 and over by employment status and type of trip. Absolute values (in thousands) - National Data
Overnight stays for holiday and business trips by quarter. Percentage values on total overnight stays for trips - National Data
Overnight stays for main destination and type of trip. Percentage values on overnight stays for trips of the same type - National Data
Overnight stays for trips by main destination, main type of accommodation and type of trip. Percentage values on overnight stays for trips of the same type and with the same destination - National Data
Overnight stays for main destination and type of trip. Percentage values on overnight stays for trips of the same type and with the same destination - Sub National Data
Overnight stays for main destination and type of trip. Percentage values on overnight stays for trips of the same type and with the same origin of person who made trip - Sub National Data
Overnight stays for trips by gender, age group and type of trip. Percentage values on overnight stays for trips of the same type made by people with the same sex - National Data
Overnight stays in Italy by region of destination and type of trip. Percentage values on overnight stays for trips in Italy of the same type - National Data
Overnight stays abroad by country of destination and type of trip. Percentage values on overnight stays for trips abroad of the same type - National Data
Overnight stays for trips made by residend aged 15 and over by employment status and type of trip. Percentage values on overnight stays for trips of the same type - National Data
Average number of overnight stays for trips by quarter, main destination and type of trip - National Data
Average daily presence (overnight stays) of holiday. Share per 1000 inhabitants - National Data
Persons who went and didnt go on holiday (annual data) broken time series 2001-2013
Persons who went on holiday - time series
Persons who went on holiday - age class
Persons who went on holiday - educational level
Persons who went on holiday - occupational status
Persons who went on holiday - number of periods
Persons who didn't go on holiday - time series
Persons who didn't go on holiday - age class
Persons who didn't go on holiday - educational level
Persons who didn't go on holiday - occupational status
Persons who didn't go on holiday - main reasons
Justice and Security
Civil Justice
Civil proceedings
Ensued judicial proceedings by Court of appeal district
Civil proceedings - labour, social security and compulsory welfare
Protection, Fostering and Adoption of minor children and Civil proceedings broken time series 1990-2007
Criminal Justice
Criminal proceedings
Proceedings and crimes after the Public Prosecutor Office decisions - adults
Proceedings and crimes, type of municipality
Data summary
Proceedings, District Court of Appeal, month of definition
Proceedings, month of definition, number of authors
Proceedings, concurrent felonies
Proceedings, time interval between enrollment date and definition date
Proceedings, crimes detail, time interval between enrollment date and definition date, District Court of Appeal
Crimes, time interval between enrollment date and definition date
Crimes, unnown offender identity, type of municipality
Crimes detail, offender identity, month of occurence
Crimes detail, mean and median time interval between enrollment date and definition date of the proceeding
Total number of proceedings, crimes detail, type of decision
Crimes detail, offender identity, type of definition
Proceedings and crimes after the Public Prosecutor Office decisions - minors
Proceedings and crimes, type of municipality
Data summary
Proceedings, District Court of Appeal, month of definition
Proceedings, month of definition, number of authors
Proceedings, concurrent felonies
Proceedings, time interval between enrollment date and definition date
Proceedings, crimes detail, time interval between enrollment date and definition date, District Court of Appeal
Crimes, time interval between enrollment date and definition date
Crimes, unnown offender identity, type of municipality
Crimes detail, offender identity, month of occurence
Crimes detail, mean and median time interval between enrollment date and definition date of the proceeding
Total number of proceedings, crimes detail, type of decision
Persons prosecuted by the public prosecutor - adults
Person prosecuted by type of decision
Person prosecuted - age classes, place of birth
Person prosecuted - place of the event (first offense attributed), place of birth
Person prosecuted by number of types of crime
Persons prosecuted by number of crime
Persons prosecuted by type of crime - place of birth, age classes
Persons prosecuted by type of crime - gender, place of birth, age classes
Persons prosecuted by type of crime - age classes
Persons prosecuted by type of crime - place of birth
Persons prosecuted by the public prosecutor - minors
Person prosecuted by type of decision
Person prosecuted - gender, age classes, place of birth
Person prosecuted - place of the event (first offense attributed), place of birth
Person prosecuted by number of types of crime
Persons prosecuted by number of crime
Persons prosecuted by type of crime - place of birth, age classes
Persons prosecuted by type of crime - gender, place of birth, age classes
Persons prosecuted by type of crime - per 100,000 population by age
Persons prosecuted by type of crime - per 100,000 population by region
Reports of persons suspected by the police forces to have committed crime
Total reports
Reports of minors
Reports of persons, in total and minors, suspected to have committed crime, by type of crime – Years 1983-2003
Crimes reported by the police forces to the judicial authority
Type of crimes - provinces
Type, offender identity, perpetrated in the reference year - big municipality
With known offender, type and reference period of crime
With known offender and reference period of crime - provinces
Crimes with alleged known offenders, type - big municipalities
Crimes with alleged known offenders, type
Crimes with alleged known offenders - provinces
Crime rate - big municipalities
Crime rate - provinces
Crimes in total and crimes committed by known offender, by type of crime – Years 1983-2003
Other crimes reported by the police forces to the judicial authority
In total and per hundred thousand inhabitants
By month of the crime committed
Alleged offenders and victims of crimes reported by the police forces to the judicial authority
Gender, age, citizenship
Foreigners - country of citizenship
Gender, age - regions
Citizenship - regions
Alleged offenders - gender, age, citizenship - prov.
Victims of crimes - gender, age, citizenship - prov.
Persons convicted by final judgement - Demographic characteristics
Crimes, judicial office and year the felony was committed
Crimes, foreign geographical origin
Crimes - regions
Crimes, judicial office - Minors
Crimes, sentence imposed, period of reclusion - Minors
Crimes, geographical origin territory - Minors
Crimes detail, age
Crimes detail, sentence imposed, period of reclusion
Crimes detail, concurrent felonies
Italian geographical origin, age
Italian geographical origin - regions
Italian geographical origin - Minors
Foreign geographical origin, age
Foreign geographical origin - geographical areas
Persons convicted by final judgement - Characteristics of the judgements
Crimes, nature of the crime
Crimes, security measures
Crimes, age when the most serious crime was committed
Crimes, judicial office, interval between crime and sentence
Crimes detail, previous convictions
Nature of the crime, age when the most serious crime was committed
Judicial office, district Court of Appeal
Security measures, district Court of Appeal
District Court of Appeal, age when the most serious crime was committed - Minors
Time interval between committed felony and sentence, crimes, Judicial office
Crimes committed, Judicial office, year when the crime was committed
Crimes committed, age when the crime was committed
Crimes committed - regions
Crimes, persons and convicted persons series 1985-2008
Prison population held in institutions for adults in Italy
Place of birth
Geographical origin territory
Legal position
Capacity of prisons and prisoners per hundred of capacity
Administrative Justice
Administrative justice decisions
Council of state - broken time series
Administrative justice proceedings
Council of state
Council of administrative justice for the Sicilian Region
Broken time series
Proceedings and decisions series 1980-2008
Protests and bankruptcies
Territory of registration
Protests series 1990-2009
Bankruptcies broken time series 1990-2007
Notarial activity
Agreements contained in notarial deeds
Notarial deeds
Violence against women
Opinions about gender roles and about violence against women - adults
Agreement or acceptability of at least one stereotype - age
Agreement or acceptability of at least one stereotype – educational level
Agreement or acceptability of at least one stereotype – geographical areas
Opinions about traditional roles - age
Opinions about traditional roles - educational level
Opinions about traditional roles – geographical areas
Opinions about sexual violence - age
Opinions about sexual violence - educational level
Opinions about sexual violence - geographical areas
Acceptability of intimate partner violence - age
Acceptability of intimate partner violence – educational level
Acceptability of intimate partner violence - geographical areas
Perceived spread of violence against women - age
Perceived spread of violence against women – educational level
Perceived spread of violence against women - geographical areas
Indication of some causes of intimate partner violence - age
Indication of some causes of intimate partner violence - educational level
Indication of some causes of intimate partner violence – geographical areas
What would suggest to a woman who suffered intimate partner violence - age
What would suggest to a woman who suffered intimate partner violence – educational level
What would suggest to a woman who suffered intWhat would suggest to a woman who suffered intimate partner violence - geographical areas
Users to 1522 ( anti-violence and stalking number )
Purpose of the call - gender, citizenship
Purpose of the call (%)
Type of users - gender, nationality, region (valid calls)
Users type (%)
Disability presence - gender, region (valid calls)
Disability presence (%) - valid calls
Sexual orientation - gender, region (valid calls)
Sexual orientation (%) - valid calls
Knowledge of the helpline service 1522 - nationality, region (valid calls)
Knowledge of the helpline service 1522 (%) - valid calls
Characteristics of violence - gender, nationality, region (valid calls)
Characteristics of violence (%) - valid calls
Outcome of the call - gender, nationality, region (valid calls)
Victims turning to 1522 (anti-violence and stalking number)
Victims - sex, age class, geographical areas
Victims - sex, age class, citizenship
Victims - sex, educational level, complaints and reason for withdrawal
Victims - sex, marital status, type of violence
Victims - sex, marital status, geographical areas
Victims - sex, professional status, complaints/not complaints
Victims - sex, complaints/not complaints, geographical areas
Victims - sex, type of violence, geographical areas
Victims - sex, type of violence, professional status
Victims - sex, reason for the 1522 contact , geographical areas
Victims - sex, child presence
Victims - sex, witnessed violence
Victims - sex, witnessed violence, reaction of witnessed violence
Victims - sex, type of violence, feelings of victims
Women who have suffered violence - demographic characteristics and habits
Type of perpetrator and region
Detailed type of violence and type of perpetrator
Citizenship, age
Citizenship, labour status
Citizenship, educational attainment level
Citizenship, marital status
Citizenship, limitations in usual activities
Type of perpetrator, age of the woman
Type of perpetrator, marital status of the woman
Type of perpetrator, educational attainment level of the woman
Type of perpetrator, labour status of the woman
Daily life and citizen opinions
Time use
Daily activities
Gender, age, highest level of education attained, number of components
Gender, citizenship
Gender, age, main status
Gender, marital status, role in the household
Gender, age - regions and type of municipalities
Children, gender, age
Children, gender, main status parents - geographical areas and type of municipalities
Activities detail and time period
Activities - gender, highest level of education attained, number of components
Activities - gender, main status, role in the household
Activities - gender, age
Activities - gender, geographical areas and type of municipalities
Time period - gender, highest level of education attained
Time period - gender, role in the household, main status
Time period - gender, age, geographical areas and type of municipalities
Daily activities - people in couple
Couple with or withouth children age and highest level of education attained by woman, main status of couple
Couple with children, age of woman, number of children and main status of couple
Couple with children, age of woman, age of youngest child and main status of couple
Couple with or without children, age of woman and main status of couple - geographical areas
Couple with or without children with woman of 25-64 years, main status of couple - regions
Couple with woman of 65 years and over, highest level of education attained by woman
Couple with woman of 65 years and over - regions
Distribution of household work of couples
Couple with or withouth children, age of woman, highest level of education attained by man and woman, main status of couple
Couple with or withouth children, age and role in employment of woman, main status of couple
Couple with children, age of woman, age of youngest child, number of children, main status of couple
Couple with or withouth children, age of woman, main status of couple - regions
Couple with woman of 65 years and over, highest level of education attained by woman, highest level of education attained by man
Couple with woman of 65 years and over - regions
Locations frequented
Gender, highest level of education attained, number of components
Gender, citizenship
Gender, main status
Gender, marital status, role in the household
Gender, age - regions and type of municipalities
Children, gender, age
Children, gender, main status parents - geographical areas and type of municipalities
Time period - gender, highest level of education attained
Time period - gender, role in the household, main status
Time period - gender, age, geographical areas and type of municipalities
Time spent alone or with other people
Gender, highest level of education attained, number of components
Gender, citizenship
Gender, main status
Gender, marital status, role in the household
Gender, age - geographical areas and type of municipalities
Children, gender, age
Children, gender, main status parents - geographical areas and type of municipalities
Sport and friends
Sport - detail age
Sport - age, educational level
Sport - occupational status
Sport - regions and type of municipality
Meetings with friends - detail age
Meetings with friends - age, educational level
Meetings with friends - occupational status
Meetings with friends - regions and type of municipality
Political participation
Political information - detail age
Political information - age, educational level
Political information - occupational status
Political information - occupational position
Political information (means) - regions and type of municipality
Political information (frequency) - regions and type of municipality
Political information (reason) - regions and type of municipality
Talk and political activities - detail age - detail age
Talk and political activities - age, educational level
Talk and political activities - occupational status
Talk and political activities - occupational position
Political talk - regions and type of municipality
Political activities - regions and type of municipality
Interpersonal trust
Interpersonal trust - detail age
Interpersonal trust - age, educational level
Interpersonal trust - occupational status
Interpersonal trust - occupational position
Interpersonal trust - regions and type of municipality
Interpersonal trust for some persons - regions and type of municipality
Social activities and religious observances
Social activities - detail age
Social activities - age, educational level
Social activities - occupational status
Social activities - regions and type of municipality
Religious observances - detail age
Religious observances - age, educational level
Religious observances - occupational status
Religious observances - regions and type of municipality
Satisfaction for life and work
Satisfaction with life as a whole
Level of satisfaction (from 0 - to 10) with life as whole - detail age
Level of satisfaction (from 0 - to 10) with life as whole - age, educational level
Level of satisfaction (from 0 - to 10) with life as whole - occupational status
Level of satisfaction (from 0 - to 10) with life as whole - occupational position
Level of satisfaction (from 0 - to 10) with life as whole - regions and type of municipality
Level of satisfaction (from 0 - to 10) with life as whole (average and median value) - detail age
Level of satisfaction (from 0 - to 10) with life as whole (average and median value) - age, educational level
Level of satisfaction (from 0 - to 10) with life as whole (average and median value) - occupational status
Level of satisfaction (from 0 - to 10) with life as whole (average and median value) - regions and type of municipality
Satisfaction for some aspects of daily life
Satisfaction for some aspects - detail age
Satisfaction for some aspects - age, educational level
Satisfaction for some aspects - occupational status
Satisfaction for some aspects - occupational position
Satisfaction for some aspects - regions and type of municipality
Work satisfaction
Work satisfaction - detail age
Work satisfaction - age, educational level
Work satisfaction - occupational status
Work satisfaction - geographical areas and type of municipality
Use and satisfaction for public services
Difficulty in reaching some services
Front office services
Registry office, local health agency - age
Registry office, local health agency - occupational status
Registry office, local health agency - occupational position
Registry office - regions and type of municipality
Local health agency - regions and type of municipality
Post office, bank - age
Post office, bank - occupational status
Post office, bank - occupational position
Post office - regions and type of municipality
Bank - regions and type of municipality
Services for the supply of electricity and gas
Electricity supply - regions and type of municipality
Gas supply - regions and type of municipality
Means of transport
Train, coach and bus use - age
Train, coach and bus - occupational status
Train, coach and bus - occupational position
Train - regions and type of municipality
Coach - regions and type of municipality
Bus - regions and type of municipality
Private services for obtaining certificates
Type of requested certificate and self-certification - detail age
Type of requested certificate and self-certification - age, educational level
Type of requested certificate and self-certification - occupational status
Type of requested certificate and self-certification - occupational position
Type of requested certificate and self-certification - regions and type of municipality
Tax forms
Pollution, criminality and noise in the dwelling place
Household size and household type
Number of children under 18 and number of elderly over 65 living in household
Gender and age class of main income earner
Educational level and professional status of main income earner
Household income level and tenure status
Regions and sub national level
Mobility and other problems in the dwelling place
Mobility and road conditions
Other problems
Volunteering in organizations
Gender, membership of multiple groups or associations, main activity sector
Gender, reason of unpaid activities
Gender, institutional setting
Gender, personal impact
Volunteering with or withouth organizations
Gender, age
Gender, type of activity performed
Gender, years of activities
Highest level of education attained, main status
Household number of components and assessment of economic resources
Regions regions and type of municipality
National Accounts
Browse on IstatData
Annual national accounts
Sequence of accounts
Gross Domestic Product and main components
Output and value added by industry
Compensation of employees and its components by industry
Taxes and subsidies on production by industry
Gross fixed capital formation by asset and industry
Stocks of fixed assets and consumption of fixed capital by industry
Final consumption expenditure of household by expenditure item (Coicop 2018 3 digit) and durability
Per capita values
Declared and undeclared employment by industry and population
Employment in persons, full time equivalent, jobs and hours worked
Rate of undeclared work
Annual average population
Annual accounts in the 2019 version
Annual accounts in the 2014 version
Sequence of accounts - editions from October 2014 to April 2019
Gross Domestic Product and main components - editions from October 2014 to April 2019
National accounts annual main aggregates - editions from October 2014 to April 2019
Output and value added by industry - editions from October 2014 to April 2019
Compensation of employees and its components by industry - editions from October 2014 to April 2019
Taxes and subsidies on production by industry - editions from October 2014 to April 2019
Gross fixed capital formation by asset and industry - editions from October 2014 to April 2019
Stocks of fixed assets and consumption of fixed capital by industry - editions from October 2014 to April 2019
Stocks of fixed assets and consumption of fixed capital by industry - editions from October 2014 to April 2019
Per capita values - editions from October 2014 to April 2019
Regular, irregular employment and population - editions from October 2014 to April 2019
Employment in persons, full time equivalent, jobs and hours worked - editions from October 2014 to April 2019
Rate of undeclared work - editions from October 2014 to April 2019
Annual average population - editions from October 2014 to April 2019
Annual accounts in the 2005 and 2011 versions
Sequence of accounts - editions until March 2014
Sequence of accounts - editions from October 2011 to March 2014
Sequence of accounts - editions prior to October 2011
Gross Domestic Product and main components - editions until March 2014
Gross Domestic Product and main components - editions from October 2011 to March 2014
Gross Domestic Product and main components - editions prior to October 2011
Main aggregates by industry (Nace Rev.2) - editions from October 2011 to March 2014
Output and value added - editions from October 2011 to March 2014
Other aggregates - editions from October 2011 to March 2014
Main aggregates by industry (Nace Rev.1.1) - editions prior to October 2011
Output and value added - editions prior to October 2011
Other aggregates - editions prior to October 2011
Capital formation - editions until March 2014
Gross capital formation - editions from October 2011 to March 2014
Gross capital formation - editions prior to October 2011
Gross fixed capital formation by asset - editions from October 2011 to March 2014
Gross fixed capital formation by asset - editions prior to October 2011
Gross fixed capital formation, stocks of fixed assets, consumption of fixed capital by asset and industry (Nace Rev.2) - editions from October 2011 to March 2014
Gross fixed capital formation breakdown by asset and by industry- editions from October 2011 to March 2014
Stocks of fixed assets and consumption of fixed capital by asset and industry - editions from October 2011 to March 2014
Gross fixed capital formation, stocks of fixed assets, consumption of fixed capital by asset and industry (Nace Rev.1.1) - editions prior to October 2011
Gross fixed capital formation breakdown by asset and industry - editions prior to October 2011
Stocks of fixed assets and consumption of fixed capital by asset and industry - editions prior to October 2011
Final consumption expenditure of households - editions until March 2014
Final consumption expenditure of households - editions from October 2011 to March 2014
Final consumption expenditure of households - editions prior to October 2011
Per capita values - editions from October 2011 to March 2014
Regular and irregular employment - editions from October 2011 to March 2014
Employment in persons, full time equivalent, jobs and hours worked - editions from October 2011 to March 2014
Rates of undeclared work - editions from October 2011 to March 2014
Quarterly national accounts
Gross domestic product, expenditure components and contribution to GDP growth
Gross domestic product and expenditure components
Contributions to GDP growth
Gross Domestic Product and main components
Gross domestic product and growth rates (preliminary estimate)
Value added by industry
Gross fixed capital formation by asset
Final consumption expenditure of households
Final consumption expenditure of households by expenditure item (Coicop 2018 2 digit) and durability
Compensation of employees and its components by industry
Costs and margins by industry
Employment breakdown by industry and population
Employment breakdown by industry
Quarterly average population
Quarterly accounts in the 2005 and 2011 versions
Accounts aggregates by industry (NACE Rev.1.1) - edition September 2011
Value added - edition September 2011
Other aggregates - edition September 2011
Accounts aggregates by industry (NACE Rev.2) - editions from December 2011 to August 2014
Value added - editions from December 2011 to August 2014
Other aggregates - editions from December 2011 to June 2014
Contributions to GDP growth - editions until August 2014
Contributions to GDP growth - editions from December 2011 to August 2014
Contributions to GDP growth - edition September 2011
Costs and margins breakdown by industry (NACE Rev.1.1) - edition September 2011
Costs and margins breakdown by industry (NACE Rev.2) - editions from December 2011 to June 2014
Employment breakdown by industry (NACE Rev.1.1) - edition September 2011
Full time equivalent and jobs - edition September 2011
Hours worked - edition September 2011
Employment breakdown by industry (NACE Rev.2) - editions from December 2011 to June 2014
Full time equivalent and jobs - editions from December 2011 to June 2014
Hours worked - editions from December 2011 to June 2014
Final consumption expenditure of households - editions until August 2014
Final consumption expenditure of households - editions from December 2011 to August 2014
Final consumption expenditure of households - edition September 2011
Gross domestic product and expenditure components - editions until August 2014
Gross domestic product and expenditure components - editions from December 2011 to August 2014
Gross domestic product and expenditure components - edition September 2011
Gross domestic product supply side - editions until August 2014
Gross domestic product supply side - editions from December 2011 to August 2014
Gross domestic product supply side - edition September 2011
Gross fixed capital formation - editions until August 2014
Gross fixed capital formation - editions from December 2011 to August 2014
Gross fixed capital formation - edition September 2011
Quarterly accounts in the 2014 version
Gross domestic product, expenditure components and contribution to GDP growth - editions from October 2014 to August 2019
Gross domestic product and expenditure components - editions from October 2014 to August 2019
Contributions to GDP growth - editions from December 2014 to August 2019
Gross domestic product and growth rates (preliminary estimate) - editions from Gross domestic product and growth rates (preliminary estimate) - editions from May 2016 to July 2019
Gross Domestic Product and main components - editions from October 2014 to August 2019
National Accounts quarterly main aggregates - editions from October 2014 to August 2019
Value added by industry - editions from October 2014 to August 2019
Gross fixed capital formation by asset - editions from October 2014 to August 2019
Final consumption expenditure of households - editions from October 2014 to August 2019
Final consumption expenditure of households by expenditure item (Coicop 2 digit) and durability - editions from October 2014 to August 2019
Compensation of employees and its components by industry - editions from October 2014 to August 2019
Costs and margins by industry - editions from December 2014 to August 2019
Employment breakdown by industry - editions from October 2014 to August 2019
Quarterly accounts in the 2019 version
Revisions Analysis data
Regional accounts
Sequence of accounts
Gross domestic product supply side
Value added by industry
Compensation of employees and its components by industry
Final consumption expenditure of households by expenditure item (Coicop 2 digit) and durability
Final consumption expenditure of general government by function
Gross fixed capital formation breakdown by industry
Per capita values
Declared and undeclared employment by industry and population
Employment - regions
Employment - provinces
Rate of undeclared work
Annual average population
Disposable income of the households in the italian regions
Regional accounts in the 2014 version
Sequence of accounts - editions from October 2012 to December 2018
Gross domestic product supply side - editions from October 2012 to December 2018
National Accounts regional main aggregates - editions from October 2012 to December 2018
Value added by industry - editions from October 2012 to December 2018
Compensation of employees and its components by industry- editions from October 2012 to December 2018
Final consumption expenditure of households by expenditure item (Coicop 2 digit) and durability - editions from October 2012 to December 2018
Final consumption expenditure of general government by function - editions from October 2012 to December 2018
Gross fixed capital formation breakdown by industry - editions from October 2012 to December 2018
Per capita values - editions from October 2012 to December 2018
Regular, irregular employment and population - editions from October 2012 to December 2018
Employment - regions - editions from October 2012 to December 2018
Employment - provinces - editions from October 2012 to December 2018
Rate of undeclared work - editions from October 2012 to December 2018
Annual average population - editions from October 2012 to December 2018
Disposable income of the households in the italian regions - editions from November 2015 to december 2018
Regional accounts in the 2011 and 2005 versions
Sequence of accounts - editions until November 2013
Sequence of accounts - editions from February 2012 to November 2013
Sequence of accounts - editions October 2010
Gross domestic product supply side - editions until November 2013
Gross domestic product supply side - editions from February 2012 to November 2013
Gross domestic product supply side - edition October 2010
Accounts aggregates by industry (NACE Rev.2) - editions until November 2013
Gross value added - editions from February 2012 to November 2013
Other aggregates - editions from February 2012 to November 2013
Accounts aggregates by industry (NACE Rev.1.1) - edition October 2010
Gross value added - edition October 2010
Other aggregates - edition October 2010
Final consumption expenditure of households - editions until November 2013
Final consumption expenditure of households - editions from February 2012 to November 2013
Final consumption expenditure of households - edition October 2010
Final consumption expenditure of general government - editions until November 2013
Final consumption expenditure of general government - editions from February 2012 to November 2013
Final consumption expenditure of general government - edition October 2010
Gross fixed capital formation breakdown by industry (NACE Rev.2) - editions from February 2012 to November 2013
Gross fixed capital formation breakdown by industry (NACE Rev.1.1) - edition October 2010
Per capita values - editions until November 2013
Per capita values - editions from February 2012 to November 2013
Per capita values - edition October 2010
Employment breakdown by industry (NACE Rev.2) - editions until November 2013
Employment in persons and full time equivalent - editions from February 2012 to November 2013
Rates of undeclared work - editions from February 2012 to November 2013
Employment breakdown by industry (NACE Rev.1.1) - edition October 2010
Disposable income of households in the italian regions - edition October 2010
Annual sector accounts
Sequence of accounts
Key indicators on households as consumers and non-financial corporations
Value added and compensation of employees breakdown by industry
Gross fixed capital formation by asset
Stock of non-financial assets
Employment breakdown by industry
Annual sector account in the 2005 and 2011 versions
Employment breakdown by industry - editions March 2012 and March 2013
Sequence of accounts - editions until September 2015
Sequence of accounts - editions from October 2014 to September 2015
Sequence of accounts - editions from January 2012 to April 2014
Sequence of accounts - editions July 2011
Annual sector accounts in the 2014 version
Sequence of accounts and non-financial assets, by institutional sector - editions from October 2015 to April 2019
Sequence of accounts - editions from October 2015 to April 2019
Key indicators on households as consumers and non-financial corporations - editions from October 2015 to April 2019
Non-financial assets - editions from March 2015 to December 2018
Employment breakdown by industry - editions from October 2014 to April 2019
Annual sector accounts in the 2019 version
Quarterly sector accounts
Sequence of accounts
Key indicators on consumer households and non-financial corporations
Seasonal adjusted aggregates
Sequence of quarterly accounts by institutional sector - Accounts in the 2019 version
Sequence of quarterly accounts by institutional sector - Accounts in the 2014 version
Sequence of accounts - editions from October 2014 to June 2019
Key indicators on households and non-financial corporations - editions from October 2016 to June 2019
Seasonal adjusted aggregates - editions from October 2018 to June 2019
Sequence of quarterly accounts by institutional sector - Accounts in the 2011 version
General Government statistics
Quarterly account
Economic account
Indicators (GDP ratio)
Annual account
Economic account by subsector
Indicators (GDP ratio)
Compensation of employees, wages and salaries per capita by subsector
Gross fixed capital formation by subsector
Taxes and social contributions by subsector
Generation of final consumption expenditure
Annual expenditure by subsector
Consumption expenditure by function (COFOG 2 and 3 digit)
Expenditure items by function (COFOG 2 and 3 digit)
Employment by subsector
General Government statistics in the 2019 version
General Government statistics in the 2014 version
Quarterly account - editions from January 2016 to June 2019
Economc account - editions from January 2016 to June 2019
Indicators (GDP ratio) - editions from January 2016 to June 2019
Annual account - editions until April 2019
Economic account by subsector - editions from October 2015 to April 2019
Indicators (GDP ratio) - editions from May 2016 to April 2019
Compensation of employees, wages and salaries per capita by subsector - editions from April 2017 to April 2019
Gross fixed capital formation by subsector - editions from May 2016 to April 2019
Taxes and social contributions by subsector - editions from April 2017 to April 2019
Generation of final consumption expenditure - editions from April 2017 to April 2019
Annual expenditure by subsector - editions until April 2019
Consumption expenditure by function (COFOG 2 and 3 digit) - editions from December 2015 to April 2019
Expenditure items by function (COFOG 2 and 3 digit) - editions from December 2015 to December 2018
Employment by subsector - editions from October 2015 to April 2019
Environmental accounts
Environmental goods and services accounts
Output, value added, exports
Employment (full time equivalent)
Physical energy flow accounts (PEFA) - (IstatData)
Environmental protection expenditure
National expenditure
Economic aggregates by institutional sector
Gross fixed capital formation, intermediate consumption and ancillary output of corporations as ancillary producers by economic activity
NAMEA air emissions (NACE Rev.2)
Production activities
Bridging items between NAMEA total and UNFCCC/CLRTAP total
Intensity of output and value added
Intensity of employment
Environmental tax revenue
Tax category
Paying unit
Taxes paid by economic activity
CEPA class
Use of the tax revenue
Material Flow Accounts
National economy-wide material flow indicators by regions
Economy-wide material flow indicators by region
Domestic extraction of used materials
Exchanges with the rest of the world
Environmental accounts in the 2014 and 2011 versions
Environmental goods and services accounts 2014 version
Output, value added, exports - Februay 2019 edition
Employmenti, full time equivalent - Februay 2019 edition
Physical energy flow accounts (PEFA) 2014 version
Supply and use: scheme - December 2018 edition
Supply by activity and energy flow - December 2018 edition
Use by activity and energy flow - December 2018 edition
Emission-relevant use by activity and energy flow (related to fuel combustion) - December 2018 edition
Vectors of key energy indicators - December 2018 edition
Bridge table: energy consumption - December 2018 edition
Environmental protection expenditure 2014 version
National expenditure - April 2018 and January 2019 editions
Economic aggregates by institutional sector - April 2018 and January 2019 editions
Gross fixed capital formation and ancillary output of corporations as ancillary - April 2018 and January 2019 editions
NAMEA air emissions (NACE Rev. 2) 2014 version
Production activities - editions from November 2014 to November 2018
Households - editions from November 2014 to November 2018
Bridging items between NAMEA total and UNFCCC/CLRTAP total - editions from November 2014 to November 2018
Intensity of output and value added - editions from November 2014 to November 2018
Intensity of employment - editions from November 2014 to November 2018
Environmental tax revenue 2014 version
Tax category - editions from December 2014 to October 2018
Paying unit - editions from December 2014 to October 2018
Taxes paid by economic activity - editions from December 2014 to October 2018
CEPA class - editions from December 2014 to October 2018
Use of the tax revenue - editions from December 2014 to October 2018
National materials' use accounts 2014 version
Economy-wide material flow indicators - editions from January 2016 to February 2019
Domestic extraction of used materials (editions from January 2016 to February 2019)
Exchanges with the rest of the world - editions from January 2016 to February 2019
Energy use accounts 2014 version
Households - product type - February 2017 and November 2017 edition
Households - type of use - February 2017 and November 2017 edition
Economic activities - product type - February 2017 and November 2017 edition
Economic activities - type of use - February 2017 and November 2017 edition
Environmental tax revenue 2011 version
Tax category - editions from January 2012 to November 2013
Paying unit - editions from January 2012 to November 2013
Taxes paid by economic activity - editions from January 2012 to November 2013
CEPA class - editions from January 2012 to November 2013
Use of the tax revenue - editions from January 2012 to November 2013
NAMEA air emissions (NACE Rev. 2) 2011 version
Production activities - March 2013 and December 2013 editions
Households - March 2013 and December 2013 editions
Bridging items between NAMEA total and UNFCCC/CLRTAP total - March 2013 and December 2013 editions
Intensity of output and value added - March 2013 and December 2013 editions
Intensity of employment - March 2013 and December 2013 editions
NAMEA air emissions (NACE Rev.1.1) 2005 version
Production activities - December 2010 and December 2011 editions
Households - December 2010 and December 2011 editions
Bridging items between NAMEA total and UNFCCC/CLRTAP total - December 2010 and December 2011 editions
Intensity of output and value added - December 2010 and December 2011 editions
Intensity of employment - December 2010 and December 2011 editions
Productivity measures
Main productivity indicators
Contributions to growth of value added
Contributions to growth of labour productivity
Series for calculation of productivity
Contributions of each industry to labour productivity growth
Productivity measures in the 2014 version
Main productivity indicators - editions from March 2015 to March 2019
Contributions to growth of value added - editions from March 2015 to March 2019
Contributions to growth of labour productivity - editions from March 2015 to March 2019
Series for calculation of productivity - editions from March 2015 to March 2019
Contributions of each industry to labour productivity growth - editions from March 2015 to March 2019
Productivity measures in the 2011 version
Main productivity indicators - editions from October 2012 to October 2013
Contributions to growth of value added - editions from October 2012 to October 2013
Contributions to growth of labour productivity - editions from October 2012 to October 2013
Series for calculation of productivity - editions from October 2012 to October 2013
Contributions of each industry to labour productivity growth - editions from October 2012 to October 2013
Social protection accounts
Consolidated accounts
Social benefits by policy area, risk and need
Social protection accounts in the 2019 version
Social protection accounts in the 2014 version
Consolidated accounts - editions from May 2015 to April 2019
Social benefits by policy area, risk and need - editions from May 2015 to April 2019
Social protection accounts in the 2011 Version
Consolidated accounts - editions from May 2013 to April 2014
Social benefits by policy area, risk and need - editions from May 2013 to April 2014
System of Health Accounts
Health expenditure by health care function and financing scheme
Health expenditure by health care function and health care provider
Health expenditure by health care provider and financing scheme
System of Health Accounts (SHA) in the 2014 version
Health expenditure by health care function and financing scheme- editions June 2018 and June 2019
Health expenditure by health care function and health care provider - editions June 2018 and June 2019
Health expenditure by health care provider and financing scheme - editions June 2018 and June 2019
Agriculture, forestry and fishing accounts
Production and value added at basic prices
Products and cost items
Agriculture, forestry and fishing accounts in the 2014 version
Production and value added at basic prices - editions from June 2015 to Mayh 2019
Products and cost items - editions from June 2015 to Mayh 2019
Agriculture, forestry and fishing accounts in the 2011 version
Production and value added at basic prices - editions June 2013 and June 2014
Production and value added at basic prices - editions June 2013 and June 2014
Enterprises - Employment 2018-2019-2020-2021-2022
Local units - Employment 2018-2019-2020-2021-2022
Enterprises and persons employed
Data summary
Legal form, economic activity (Nace 5 digit) - Italy
Legal form, economic activity (Nace 4 digit) - rip.
Legal form, economic activity (Nace 3 digit) - prov.
Size class of persons employed, economic ativity (Nace 2 digit) - prov.
Enterprises - human resources
Data summary
Gender, age , country of birth
Sectors of economic activity, size class of persons employed
Sectors of economic activity, legal form
Sectors of economic activity, enterprise age class
Economic activity (Nace 2 digit)
Size class of persons employed - geographical areas
Legal form - geographical areas
Enterprise age class - geographical areas
Economic activity (Nace 3 digit), gender
Economic activity (Nace 3 digit), age class
Economic activity (Nace 3 digit), country of birth
Gender, size class of persons employed
Gender, legal form
Gender, enterprise age class
Age class, size class of persons employed
Age class, legal form
Age class, enterprise age class
Country of birth, size class of persons employed
Country of birth, legal form
Country of birth, enterprise age class
Enterprises - human resources by highest level of education attained
Data summary
Professional qualification - geographical areas
Country of bearth sex, age - geographical areas
Sex -reg.
Age -reg.
Country of bearth -reg.
2014 tables
Enterprises - employees
Data summary
Professional qualification
Gender, age , country of birth
Sectors of economic activity, size class of persons employed
Sectors of economic activity, enterprise age class
Sectors of economic activity - geographical areas
Economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Size class of persons employed - geographical areas
Enterprise age class - geographical areas
Legal form, gender - geographical areas
Legal form, age class - geographical areas
Legal form, country of birth - geographical areas
Economic activity (Nace 3 digit) - reg.
Economic activities (Nace 1 digit) - prov.
Size class of persons employed - prov.
Legal form - prov.
Enterprise age class - prov.
Occupation character
Gender, age , country of birth
Sectors of economic activity. size class of persons employed
Sectors of economic activity, enterprise age class
Sectors of economic activity - geographical areas
Economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Size class of persons employed - geographical areas
Enterprise age class - geographical areas
Legal form, gender - geographical areas
Legal form, age class - geographical areas
Legal form, country of birth - geographical areas
Economic activities (Nace 3 digit) - reg.
Economic activities (Nace 1 digit) - prov.
Size class of persons employed - prov.
Legal form - prov.
Enterprise age class - prov.
Contractual working time
Gender, age , country of birth
Sectors of economic activity, size class of persons employed
Sectors of economic activity, enterprise age class
Sectors of economic activity - geographical areas
Economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Size class of persons employed - geographical areas
Enterprise age class - geographical areas
Legal form, gender - geographical areas
Legal form, age class - geographical areas
Legal form, country of birth - geographical areas
Economic activities (Nace 3 digit) - reg.
Economic activities (Nace 1 digit) - prov.
Size class of persons employed - prov.
Legal form - prov.
Enterprise age class - prov.
Enterprises - employees by social security contribution allowance
Gender, sectors of economic activity
Gender, size class of persons employed
Gender - reg.
Age class, sectors of economic activity
Age class, size class of persons employed
Age class - reg.
Country of birth, sectors of economic activity
Country of birth, size class of persons employed
Country of birth - reg.
Eneterprises - self-employed
Data summary
Economic activity (Nace 3 digit)
Gender, age , country of birth
Sectors of economic activity, size class of persons employed
Sectors of economic activity, legal form
Sectors of economic activity, enterprise age class, enterprise with employes
Economic activity (Nace 2 digit)
Size class of persons employed - geographical areas
Legal form - gegraphical areas
Enterprise age class, enterprise with emplyes - geographical areas
Age class
Country of birth
Size class of persons employed
Legal form
Enterprise age class
Enterprise with employees, gender
Enterprise with employees, age class
Enterprise with employees, country of birth
Enterprise with employees, type of self employed
Enterprises - outworkers
Data summary
Economic activity (Nace 3 digit) - reg.
Gender, age , country of birth
Sectors of economic activity, size class of persons employed
Sectors of economic activity, legal form
Sectors of economic activity, enterprise age class and enterprise with employers
Economic activity (Nace 2 digit)
Size class of persons employed - geographical areas
Legal form - geographical areas
Enterprise age class and enterprise with employers - geographical areas
Size class of persons employed
Legal form
Enterprise age class and enterprise with employers
Enterprises - outworkers by class of annual income and work period
Data summary
Economic activities (Nace 3 digit) - reg.
Gender, age , country of birth
Sectors of economic activity, size class of persons employed
Sectors of economic activity, legal form
Sectors of economic activity, enterprise age class
Sectors of economic activity, enterprise with employees
Economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Size class of persons employeed - geographical areas
Legal form - geographical areas
Enterprise age class - geographical areas
Enterprise with emploees - geographical areas
Size class of persons employed
Legal form
Enterprise age class
Enterprise with emploees
Enterprises - temporary workers
Data summary
Economic activity (Nace 3 digit) - reg.
Gender, age , country of birth
Sectors of economic activity, size class of persons employed
Sectors of economic activity, legal form
Sectors of economic activity, enterprise age class, enterprise with empliees
Economic activity (Nace 2 digit)
Size class of persons employed - geographical areas
Legal form - geographical areas
Enterprise age class, enterprise with employees - geographical areas
Size class of persons employed
Legal form
Enterprise age class
Enterprise with employees, gender
Enterprise with employees, age class
Enterprise with employees, country of birth
Enterprise with employess, work period carried out at the user enterprise
Local units and persons employed
Summary dati
Economic activities (Nace 5 digit) - type and population size class of municipalities and prov.
Economic activities (Nace 3 digit) - com.
Size class of persons employed, economic activities (Nace 5 digit) - Italy
Size class of persons employed, economic activities (Nace 4 digit) - geographical areas
Size class of persons employed, economic activities (Nace 3 digit) - prov.
Size class of persons employed, Economic activities (Nace 2 digit) - municipalities
Data for local labour
Size class of persons employed, economic activities (Nace 1 digit) - local labour market areas 2011
Size class of persons employed, economic activities (Nace 1 digit) - local labour market areas 2001
Local units and persons employed - Territory at data reference year
Main data
Economic activities (Nace 5 digit) - type and population size class of municipalities and prov.
Economic activities (Nace 3 digit) - municipalities
Size class of persons employed, economic activities (Nace 5 digit) - Italy
Size class of persons employed, economic activities (Nace 4 digit) - geographical
Size class of persons employed, economic activities (Nace 3 digit) - prov.
Size class of persons employed, economic activities (Nace 2 digit) - municipalities
Data by local labour system
Size class of persons employed, economic activities (Nace 1 digit) - local labour market areas 2011
Local units - employees
Size class of persons employed, gender, class age - prov.
Size class of persons employed, country of birth - prov.
Size class of persons employed, professional qualification - prov.
Economic activities (Nace 3 digit), gender - prov.
Economic activities (Nace 3 digit), age class - prov.
Economic activities (Nace 3 digit), country of birth - prov.
Economic activities (Nace 3 digit), professional qualification - prov.
Agricoltural enterprises and persons employed
Economic activity (Nace 5 digit)
Economic activity (Nace 4 digit) - geographical areas
Economic activity (Nace 3 digit) - provinces
Size classes of persons employed, economic activity (Nace 3 digit)
Size classes of persons employed - provinces
Legal form, economic activity (Nace 3 digit)
Legal form, economic activity (Nace 3 digit) - regions
Legal form - provinces
Browse on IstatData
Enterprises economic indicators
Data summary
All the economic activities (Nace 4 digit)
All the economic activities (Nace 4 digit) and class of persons employed
Industry (Nace 3 digit) and size class of persons employed
Trade and services (Nace 3 digit) and class of persons employed
Trade (Nace 2 digit) and size class of turnover
Environmental protection expenditure
Performance indicators
Main performance indicators
Gross added
Labour cost
Gross operating surplus
Wage adjusted labour productivity
Persons employed and employees
Economic results of businesses - reg.
Broken time series
National Structural Business Statistics (data until 2007)
Regional Structural Business Statistics (data until 2007)
Innovation in companies with at least 10 persons employed
Data summary
Browse on IstatData
Enterprises with innovative activities
Type of innovative activity and size class of persons employed
Type of innovative activity and economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Age of enterprise and employees class
Age of enterprise and employees class and economic sector (Nace 2 digit)
Impact of legislation and economic sector (Nace 2 digit)
Impact of legislation and employees class
Hampering factors of innovation and economic sector (Nace 2 digit)
Hampering factors of innovation and employees class
Geographic market and size class of persons employed
Geographic market and economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Employees with a tertiary degree and size class of persons employed
Employees with a tertiary degree and economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Status of product and/or process innovative activity and size class of persons employed copy
Status of product and/or process innovative activity and economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Type of financial support and size class of persons employed
Type of finacial support and economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Enterprises that have introduced product and / or process innovations
Type of product/process innovation and size class of persons employed
Type of product/process innovation and economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Methods of developing and size class of persons employed
Methods of developing and economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Enterprises that have introduced new products to the market
Turnover from new products and size class of persons employed
Turnover from new peoducts and economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Innovation spending
Type of innovation expenditure and size class of persons employed
Type of innovation expenditure and economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Enterprises with innovation cooperation agreements
Localization of cooperation partner and size class of persons employed
Localization of cooperation partner and economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Type of cooperation partner and size class of persons employed
Type of cooperation partner and economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Enviromental beneficts and factors
Eniviromental benefits (Nace 2 digit)
Enviroment benefits and employees class
Eniviromental factors (Nace 2 digit)
Enviroment factors and employees class
COVID-19 sanitary emergency
COVID-19 sanitary emergency impact (Nace 2 digit)
COVID-19 sanitary emergency impact and employees class
COVID-19 sanitary emergency impact on innovation expenditure anc turnover (Nace 2 digit)
COVID-19 sanitary emergency impact on innovation expenditure and turnover and employees class
Regional data
Regional data
Detailed regional data
Enterprise strategies
Enterprise strategies and employees class
Enterprise strategies and economic sector (Nace 2 digit)
Types of sold products and services and employees class
Types of sold products and services and economic sector (Nace 2 digit)
Types of intellectual property protection and employees class
Types of intellectual property protection and economic sector (Nace 2 digit)
Acquisition of machinery, technical services and knowledge and employees class
Acquisition of machinery, technical services and knowledge and economic sector (Nace 2 digit)
Methods of organising work by level of importance and employees class
Methods of organising work by level of importance and economic sector (Nace 2 digit)
Climate change (Nace 2 digit)
Climate change and employees class
Interrupted series
Employees with a tertiary degree and economic sector (Nace 2 digit) - unitl 2016
Employees with a tertiary degree and employees class - until 2016
Type of product/process innovation introduced and economic sector (Ateco 2 cifre) - until 2016
Type of product/process innovation introduced and employees class - until 2016
Type of funding and employess class - until 2016
Source of information for innovation and size class of persons employed
Source of information for innovation and economic activities (Ateco 2 cifre)
Type of procurement contracts used and size class of persons employed
Type of procurement contracts used and economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Belonging to an enterprise group and size class of persons employed
Belonging to an enterprise group and economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Methods for maintaining or increasing the competitiveness of product and process innovations and size class of persons employed
Methods for maintaining or increasing the competitiveness of product and process innovations and economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Enterprises' goals and size class of persons employed
Enterprises' goals and economic activities (Ateco 2 cifre)
Enterprises' strategies and size class of persons employed
Enterprises' strategies and economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Enterprises' obstacles and size class of persons employed copy
Enterprises' obstacles and economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Enterprises that have introduced new products to the market
New products by type of market and size class of persons employed
New products by economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Enterprises that have introduced organizational and / or marketing innovations
Type of organisational innovation introduced and size class of persons employed
Type of organisational innovation introduced and economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Type of marketing innovation introduced and size class of persons employed
Type of marketing innovation introduced and economic activities (Nace 2 digit)
Research and Development
Expenditure (% of GDP)
Browse on IstatData
Government budget appropiations or outlays for research and development
Expenditure by type of R&D
Expenditure by source of funds
Expenditure by field of science
Expenditure by type of costs
Expenditure - reg.
Business expenditure by size class of person employed
Business expenditure by economic activity (Nace 2 digit)
Business expenditure by user sector
Personnel - headcount and FTE
Personnel by qualification - ISCED
Personnel by field of science
Business personnel by economic activitiy (Nace 2 digit)
Personnel - reg.
Business confidence climate - (IstatData)
Browse on IstatData
Prices and livestock import export
Agricoltural prices
Agricultural purchase price index, monthly data (base 2015)
Agricultural producer price index, monthly data (base 2015)
Agricultural purchase price index, annual average (base 2015)
Agricultural producer price index, annual average (base 2015)
Previous basis
Agricultural purchase price index, monthly data (base 2010)
Agricultural producer price index, monthly data (base 2010)
Agricultural purchase price index, annual average (base 2010)
Agricultural producer price index, annual average (base 2010)
Prevoius basis
Livestock import export
Live animals - Monthly data
Live animals - Annual data
Meat - Monthly data
Meat - Annual data
Crops and livestock
Areas and production - overall data
Areas and production - overall data - provinces
Cereals and legumees, roots, bulbs and tubers
Fresh vegetables
industrial crops
Fruit plantations
Grapes, wine, olives, oil
Survey calendar (Estimate of crop)
sowing forecast
Permanent crops broken time series 2002-2017
Flowers broken time series 2002-2007
Milk and dairy products
Products - monthly data
Products by kind of productive unit
Quantity of fresh products imported
Products and factories by tonnes of product
Factories by productive unit - reg
Products - reg
Livestock at 1st of december - regional
Livestock at 1st of june
Red meat - monthly data
White meat - monthly data
Red meat - annual data
White meat - annual data
Forestry, hunting and fishing
Forestry broken time series 2001-2015
Hunting broken time series 2001-2008
Fishery broken time series 2001-2019
Agritourism and PDO, PGI and TSG quality products
PDO, PGI and TSG quality products
Operators by sector
Operators by product
Dynamics of operators
PDO, PGI and TSG active products
Working process by altimetric zone
Working process by sex of the conductor
PDO, PGI and TSG products: operators - municipalities data
Authorized farms
Agrituristic services
Altimetric zone and conductor sex - provincial data
Authorised duration of agritouristic activity - provincial data
Authorized farms dinamic - provincial data
Agritourism - municipalities
Production means
Fertilizers distribuited by product status - reg.
Fertilizers distribuited for use in organic farming - reg.
Fertilizers distribuited by production area - reg.
Fertilizers distributed - prov.
Plant nutrients contained - prov.
Plant nutrients contained by type of fertilizer
Plant nutrients contained by hectare of area fit for being fertilized - prov.
Plant protection products
Distributed products - provinces
Active substances conteined
Use by type of crop
Use - main data
Use - detail of active substances
Treatmemts made class
Animal feeds broken time series 2003-2014
Seeds broken time series 2003-2010
Economic output and structure of agricultural holdings
Economic results of farms
Data summary
Farm average economic values by AWU class
Farm average economic values by turnover class
Farm average economic values by legal form
Performance indicators by sector
Farm structure
Farm and area by land ownership
Farm and area by class of agricoltural area
Farm and area by management system
Farm with irrigable and irrigated area
Farms and agricoltural area with organic farming
Farms and agricoltural area
Farms and agricoltural area by crops
Farms and livestock
Farms with gainful activities
Farms with renevable energy
Farms and mechanical means
Farms by legal form
Farms by farm manager educational level
Persons and working days by labour force category
Farm structure broken time series 2003-2007
Industry and Construction
Industrial production volume
Production value by Nace Rev.2 (division)
Metal ones other products of mining and quarrying
Food products and tobacco products
Fruit and vegetable juice and beverages
Textiles and wearing apparel
Leather and related products
Wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials
Paper and products of printing and reproduction of recorded media
Coke and refined petroleum products, industrial gases, dyes and pigments
Other inorganic basic chemicals, fertilisers and nitrogen compounds, plastics in primary forms, pesticides and other agrochemical products
Other organic basic chemicals
Synthetic rubber in primary forms, paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and mastics, soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparations
Explosives, glues, essential oils, other chemical products n.e.c., man-made fibres
Basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations
Rubber and plastic products
Other non-metallic mineral products
Basic metals
Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
Computer, electronic and optical products
Electrical equipment and of non-electric domestic appliances
Machinery and equipment
Other machinery and equipment n.e.c.
Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
Other transport equipment
Other products of manufacturing
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
Recovery of sorted materials
Industrial production index
Industrial production index - Monthly data (base 2021)
Previous bases
Industrial production index - Monthly data (base 2015)
Detail production index - (Ateco 4 digit) - base 2015=100
Monthly data (base 2010)
Monthly data (base 2005)
Index of production in construction
Index of production in construction - Monthly data (base 2021)
Previous bases
Index of production in construction - Monthly data (base 2015)
Monthly data (base 2010)
Monthly data (base 2005)
Industrial turnover index
Industrial turnover - Monthly data (base 2021)
Industrial volume turnover - Monthly data (base 2021)
Previous bases
Industrial turnover - Monthly (base 2015)
Manufacturing turnover volume index - Monthly (base 2015)
Industrial new orders - monthly data (base 2015 - until December 2020)
Turnover - Monthly data (base 2010)
Manifacturing turnover volume - Monthly (base 2010)
New orders - Monthly data (base 2010)
Turnover - Monthly data (base 2005)
New orders - Monthly data (base 2005)
Building permits indicators
New residential buildings
New non-residential construction
Business confidence in the construction sector - (IstatData)
Business confidence in the manufacturing sector - (IstatData)
Indexes of turnover in other services
Indexes of turnover in other services - Monthly (base 2021=100)
Previous bases
Indexes of turnover in other services - Quarterly data (base 2015)
Quarterly data (base 2010)
Quarterly data (base 2005)
Index of retail trade sales
Retail trade sales by type of product employment size class- monthly data (base 2021)
Retail trade sales by type of product and type of sales - monthly data (base 2021)
Retail trade sales by type of product - monthly raw data (base 2021)
Volume of retail trade sales index by type of product - monthly data (base 2021)
Previous bases
Retail trade sales by type of product employment size class- monthly data (base 2015)
Retail trade sales by type of product and type of sales - monthly data (base 2015)
Retail trade sales by type of product - monthly raw data (base 2015)
Volume of retail trade sales index by type of product - monthly data (base 2015)
Retail trade sales by type of sales and employment size class - monthly data (base 2010)
Retail trade sales by type of product and type of sales - monthly data (base 2010)
Retail trade sales by type of product and employment size class - monthly data (base 2010)
Retail trade sales index by type of product - monthly data (base 2010)
Retail trade sales by type of sales and employment size class - Monthly data (base 2005)
Retail trade sales by type of product and type of sales - Monthly data (base 2005)
Retail trade sales by type of product and employment size class - Monthly data (base 2005)
Air transport
Internal and internazional
International by country of origin/destination
International from and to Linate, Malpensa, Fiumicino
Quarterly data
Maritime transport
Passengers and goods
Passengers for each port by direction
Goods for port by direction, by tipe of cargo and goods NST 2007
International goods by country of origin or destination and type of goods NST 2007 (Countries that transport more than one million tons)
National goods by italian region of loading or destination
Goods, number and gross tonnage of vessel by italian region
NST/R data (until 2012)
Port and type of goods NST/R
International goods by country of origin or destination and type of goods NST/R (Countries that transport more than one million tons)
Rail transport
Data summary
Passengers and average distance dy destination
Goods transported by type of goods (NST/2007)
Goods transported by destination country
Goods transported by origin caoutry
Intermodal transport
Dangerous goods
Rail transport accidents
Road freight transport
Goods carried by type of transport and distance class
Goods carried - tons by type of goods (chapter), loading and unloading region
Goods carried - tons- by type of transport, loading and unloading region
Goods carried by oading place and type of transport (domestic transport)
Goods carried by loading place and type of transport (total transport)
Goods carried by unloading place and type of transport (domestic transport)
Goods carried by unloading place and type of transport (total transport)
Road freight transport by category of transport, distance class and type of transport
Usual way of getting to school and work
Usual way of getting to school
Usual way of getting to school - Age
Usual way of getting to school - regions and type of municipality
Usual way of getting to work
Usual way of getting to work - Age
Usual way of getting to work - occupational level
Usual way of getting to work - regions and type of municipality
Capacity of collective accommodation - municipality data
Capacity of collective accommodation establishments by type of accomodation - com.
Size of hotels and similar establishments
Occupancy in collective tourist accomodation - monthly data
Occupancy in collective tourist accomodation by type of accomodation - monthly data
Residents by region of origin
Country of origin
Type of locality
Occupancy in collective tourist accomodation - yearly data
Movement of guests in the collective accommodation establishments by type of accommodation - annual data
Residents by region
Country of origin - prov
Type of locality and country of residence
Gross and Net rate of bed-places in hotels
By region, by residence - monthly and yearly
By class, by residence - yearly
Tourism indicators - monthly data
Arrivals, nights spent, average lenght of stay - Monthly data
Business confidence in the market services sector - (IstatData)
Business confidence in the retail trade Sector - (IstatData)
Bank services - municipalities data
Public Administrations and Private Institutions
Number and type of institutional units
Institutional units accounts
Revenue of institutional local unities (euros)
Expenditures of institutional local unities (euros)
Chamber of commerce balance sheet (euros)
Chambers of commerce profit and loss account (euros)
Local health units, hospital companies, university hospitals, general hospitals and hospitals with a scientific character profit and loss account (thousands of euro)
Universities, polytechnic institutes and institutes of higher education balance sheet (euros)
Universities, polytechnic institutes and institutes of higher education profit and loss account (euros)
Accounts indicators and institutional units personnel indicators
Institutional units activities and organization
Some services functionality
Social security funds
Social security funds - expenditures (thousands of euro)
Social security funds - revenue (thousands of euro)
Social security funds - number of employees
Social security funds S13 - expenditures (thousands of euro)
Social security funds S13 - revenue (thousands of euro)
Social security funds S13 - number of employees
External Trade and Internationalisation
Imports and exports
Import and export by country and commodity Nace 2007
Import and export by country and commodity Nace 2007
Import and export by country and commodity Nace 2007 - seasonally - adjusted data
Quarterly exports of Italian regions
House prices (Ipab)
Quarterly data from 2010 onwards (base 2015)
Annual average from 2010 onwards (base 2015)
Weights from 2010 onwards
Previous bases
Quarterly data from 2010 until 2016 (base 2010)
Annual average from 2010 until 2016 (base 2010)
Consumer prices for the whole nation (Nic)
Nic - monthly data from 2016 onwards(base 2015)
Data summary
Product types
Ecoicop classification (3 digit) - prov.
Ecoicop classification (5 digit)
Nic – annual average from 2016 onwards(base 2015)
Data summary
Product types
Ecoicop classification (3 digit) - prov.
Ecoicop classification (5 digit)
Nic – weights from 2016
Data summary
Product types
Ecoicop classification (5 digit)
Previous bases (Nic)
Nic - monthly data from 2011 until 2015 (base 2010)
Product types
Coicop classification (3 digit) - prov.
Coicop classification (5 digit)
Nic - annual average from 2011 until 2015 (base 2010)
Product types
Ecoicop classification (3 digit) - prov.
Ecoicop classification (5 digit)
Nic – weights from 2011 until 2015
Product types
Coicop classification (2 digit) - reg.
Coicop classification (5 digit)
Nic - monthly data until 2010
Coicop classification (2 digit) (base december 1998)
Product types (base 1995)
Coicop classification (5 digit) (base 1995)
Nic - annual data until 2010
Coicop classification (2 digit) (base December 1998) - prov.
Product types (base 1995)
Coicop classification (5 digit) (base 1995)
Nic - weights until 2010
Product types
Coicop classification (5 digit)
Consumer prices for blue and white-collar worker households (Foi)
Foi - monthly data from 2016 (base 2015)
Foi - annual data from 2016 (base 2015)
Foi - weights from 2016 onwards
Previous bases (Foi)
Foi - monthly data from 2011 to 2015 (base 2010)
Foi - annual data from 2011 to 2015 (base 2010)
Foi – weights from 2011 to 2015
Foi - monthly data until 2010 (base 1995)
Foi - annual data until 2010 (base 1995)
Foi – weights until 2010
Harmonized consumer prices for the countries of the European Union (Hicp)
Hicp - monthly data from 2001
Ecoicop classification (4 digit)
Special aggregates (5 digit)
Hicp - at constant tax rates monthly data (base 2015)
Hicp - annual data from 2001 (base 2015)
Ecoicop classification (4 digit)
Special aggregates (5 digit)
Expcla (from 2005)
Hicp - at constant tax rates annual average (base 2015)
Hicp - weights from 2001
Ecoicop classification (4 digit)
Special aggregates
Expcla (from 2005)
Previous bases (Hicp)
Hicp - monthly and quarterly data from 2001 until 2015(base 2005)
Coicop classification (4 digit)
Special aggregates
Expcla monthly data (base 2005)
Expcla quarterly data (base 2005)
Hicp - at constant tax rates monthly data (base 2005)
Hicp - annual data from 2001 until 2015 (base 2005)
Coicop classification (4 digit)
Special aggregates
Expcla annual average (base 2005)
Hicp - at constant tax rates annual average (base 2005)
Industrial producer prices
Industrial producer prices - monthly data (base 2021)
Monthly data (base 2015)
Monthly data (base 2010)
Monthly data (base 2005)
Services producer prices
Quarterly data (base 2015)
Annual average (base 2015)
Previous bases
Quarterly data from 2006 (base 2010)
Annual average from 2006 (base 2010)
Quarterly data from 2006 until 2012 (base 2006)
Annual average from 2006 until 2012 (base 2006)
Construction costs
Residential and Non-residential buildings - monthly data (base 2021)
Roads with tunnel section - monthly data (base 2021)
Previous bases
Residential and Non-residential buildings - monthly data (base 2015)
Roads with tunnel section - monthly data (base 2015)
Road stretches - broken series - monthly data (base 2015)
Residential building - monthly data (base 2010)
Road stretches - monthly data (base 2010)
Residential building from 2000 until 2012 (base 2005) - monthly data
Construction producer prices indeces
Construction producer prices (base 2021=100)
Construction producer prices (base 2015=100)
Import price index - monthly data
Import prices - Monthly data (base 2021)
Import prices - Monthly data (base 2015)
Labour and wages
Labour offer
Popoulation by labour status
Age class
Student status
Regional data
Statistical back recalculation since I 2004 - age
Popoulation by labour status - previous regulation (until 2020)
Quinquennial age classes
All ages
Role in household
Citizenship, role in household
Student status
Regional data
Statistical back recalculation since I 1977 - age
Statistical back recalculation since IV 1992 - age detail
Statistical back recalculation since IV 1992 - regional data
Labour status (Italian classification)
Classes quinquennial age
All ages
Role in household
Citizenship, role in household
Student status
Regional data
Statistical back recalculation since I 1977 - age
Statistical back recalculation since IV 1992 - age detail
Statistical back recalculation since IV 1992 - regional data
Employment (thousands)
Age class
Highest level of education attained, citizenship, age
Professional status detailed
Full-time/part-time, professional status, age
Full-time/part-time, citizenship
Employees by temporary employees/permanent employees, full-time/part-time, age
Employees by temporary employees/permanent employees, citizenship
Sectors of economic activity
Nace 2007 - professional status, age
Nace 2007 - professional status, citizenship
Nace 2007 - professional status, full-time/part-time
Nace 2007 (detail) - professional status
Nace 2007 - professional status detailed
Nace 2007 - employees, temporary employees, age
Occupation 2011 (detail)
Occupation 2011, citizenship
Regional data
Highest level of education attained
Professional status, full-time/part-time
Nace 2007 - pofessional status - quarterly data
Employees - temporary employees
Provincial data
Nace 2007
Professional status
Statistical back recalculation
Since I 2004 - age
Since I 2004 - Nace, professional status
Since I 2004 - Nace, employees, temporary employees
Employment (thousands) - previous regulation (until 2020)
Highest level of education attained, citizenship, age
Professional status detailed
Full-time/part-time, professional status, age
Full-time/part-time, citizenship
Employees by temporary employees/permanent employees, full-time/part-time, age
Employees by temporary employees/permanent employees, citizenship
Sectors of economic activity
Nace 2007 - professional status, age
Nace 2007 - professional status, citizenship
Nace 2007 - professional status, full-time/part-time
Nace 2007 (detail) - professional status
Nace 2007 - professional status detailed
Nace 2007 - employees, temporary employees, age
Nace 2002 - professional status, age
Nace 2002 - professional status, citizenship
Nace 2002 - professional status, full-time/part-time
Nace 2002 (detail) - professional status
Nace 2002 - professional status detailed
Nace 2001 - employees, temporary employees, age
Nace 2002, Nace 2007 (2008-2010)
Occupation 2011 (detail)
Occupation 2011, citizenship
Occupation 2001 (detail)
Occupation 2001, citizenship
Regional data
Highest level of education attained
Professional status, full-time/part-time
Nace 2007 - pofessional status - quarterly data
Employees - temporary employees
Provincial data
Nace 2007 - professional status
Nace 2002 - professional status
Statistical back recalculation
Since I 1977 - age
Since I 1977 - highest level of education attained
Since I 1977 - professional status
Since IV 1992 - age detail
Since IV 1992 - highest level of education attained, age
Since IV 1992 - professional status, temporary employees
Since IV 1992 - full-time/part-time
Since IV 1992 - regional data
Nace 2002
Nace 2002 (since I 1977-2010) - employees
Nace 2002 (since IV 1992-2010) - temporary employees, professional status
Nace 2002 (since IV 1992-2010) - full-time/part-time
Nace 2002 (since IV 1992-2010) - regional data
Employed - quarterly seasonally adjusted data
Professional status, permanent or temporary employees
Sectors of economic activity
Gender, age
Absolute value
Employed - quarterly seasonally adjusted data - previous regulation (until 2020)
Professional status, permanent or temporary employees
Sectors of economic activity
Gender, age
Geographical areas
Employed - monthly data
Professional status, temporary employees
Gender, age
Employed - monthly data - previous regulation (until 2020)
Professional status, temporary employees
Gender, age
Employment rate
Age class
Highest level of education attained, age
Highest level of education attained, citizenship, age
Regional data
Provincial data
Statistical back recalculation
Since I 2004 - age
Employment rate - previous regulation (until 2020)
Highest level of education attained, age
Highest level of education attained, citizenship
Regional data
Provincial data
Statistical back recalculation
Since I 1977 - age
Since I 1977 - highest level of education attained
Since IV 1992 - age detail
Since IV 1992 - highest level of education attained, age
Since IV 1992 - regional data
Employment rate - quarterly seasonally adjusted data
Gender, age
Absolute value
Employment rate - quarterly seasonally adjusted data - previous regulation (until 2020)
Gender, age
Geographical areas
Employment rate - monthly data
Employment rate - monthly data - previous regulation (until 2020)
Employment by number of actual weekly hours and average number of actual weekly hours
Average number of actual weekly hours - ripartitional level
Employment by number of actual weekly hours - ripartitional level
Labour force
Age class
Highest level of education attained, age
Citizenship, highest level of education attained, age
Regional data - gender
Regional data - age
Regional data - highest level of education attained
Provincial data
Statistical back recalculation
Since I 2004 - age
Labour force - previous regulation (until 2020)
Highest level of education attained, age
Highest level of education attained, citizenship
Regional data - gender
Regional data - age
Regional data - highest level of education attained
Provincial data
Statistical back recalculation
Since I 1977 - age
Since I 1977 - highest level of education attained
Since IV 1992 - age detail
Since IV 1992 - highest level of education attained, age
Since IV 1992 - regional data
Labour force - quarterly seasonally adjusted data
Gender, age
Absolute value
Labour force - quarterly seasonally adjusted data - previous regulation (until 2020)
Gender, age
Geographical areas
Labour force - monthly data
Labour force - monthly data - previous regulation (until 2020)
Activity rate
Age class
Highest level of education attained, age
Highest level of education attained, ctizenship
Regional data
Provincial data
Statistical back recalculation
Since I 2004 - age
Activity rate - previous regulation (until 2020)
Highest level of education attained, age
Highest level of education attained, ctizenship
Regional data
Provincial data
Statistical back recalculation
Since I 1977 - age
Since I 1977 - highest level of education attained
Since IV 1992 - age detail
Since IV 1992 - Highest level of education attained, age
Since IV 1992 - regional data
Activity rate - quarterly seasonally adjusted data
Gender, age
Absolute value
Activity rate - quarterly seasonally adjusted data - previous regulation (until 2020)
Gender, age
Geographical areas
Activity rate - monthly data
Activity rate - monthly data - previous regulation (until 2020)
Age class
Highest level of education attained, age
Labour status, long term unemployment
Regional data - highest level of education attained
Regional data - labour status
Provincial data
Statistical back recalculation
Since I 2004 - age
Unemployment - previous regulation (until 2020)
Highest level of education attained, age
Labour status, long term unemployment
Regional data - highest level of education attained
Regional data - labour status
Provincial data
Statistical back recalculation
Since I 1977 - age
Since I 1977 - highest level of education attained
Since IV 1992 - age detail
Since IV 1992 - highest level of education attained, age
Since IV 1992 - duration of unemployment
Since IV 1992 - regional data
Unemployed - quarterly seasonally adjusted data
Gender, age
Absolute value
Unemployed - quarterly seasonally adjusted data - previous regulation (until 2020)
Gender, age
Geographical areas
Unemployed - monthly data
gender, age
Unemployment ratio - monthly data
Unemployed - monthly data - previous regulation (until 2020)
gender, age
Unemployment ratio - monthly data
Unemployment rate
Age class
Highest level of education attained, age
Highest level of education attained, citizenship
Duration of unemployment
Regional data - age
Regional data - highest level of education attained
Regional data - duration of unemployment
Provincial data
Statistical back recalculation
Since I 2004 - age
Unemployment rate - previous regulation (until 2020)
Highest level of education attained, age
Highest level of education attained, citizenship
Duration of unemployment
Regional data - age
Regional data - highest level of education attained
Regional data - duration of unemployment
Provincial data
Statistical back recalculation
Since I 1977 - age
Since I 1977 - highest level of education attained
Since IV 1992 - age detail
Since IV 1992 - highest level of education attained, age
Since IV 1992 - regional data, age
Since IV 1992- regional data, duration of unemployment
Unemployment rate - quarterly seasonally adjusted data
Gender, age
Absolute value
Unemployment rate - quarterly seasonally adjusted data - previous regulation (until 2020)
Gender, age
Geographical areas
Unemployment rate - monthly data
Unemployment rate - monthly data - previous regulation (until 2020)
Inactive population
Age class
Highest level of education attained, age
Citizenship, age
Labour status, gender
Inactivity reasons
Main status
Regional data - age
Regional data - highest level of education attained
Regional data - labour status
Provincial data
Statistical back recalculation
Since I 2004 - age
Inactive population - previous regulation (until 2020)
Highest level of education attained, age
Highest level of education attained, citizenship
Labour status, gender
Inactivity reasons
Main status
Regional data - age
Regional data - highest level of education attained
Regional data - labour status
Provincial data
Statistical back recalculation
Since I 1977 - age
Since I 1977 - highest level of education attained
Since IV 1992 - age detail
Since IV 1992 - highest level of education attained, age
Since IV 1992 - regional data
Inactive population - quarterly seasonally adjusted data
Gender, age
Absolute value
Inactive population - quarterly seasonally adjusted data - previous regulation (until 2020)
Gender, age
Geographical areas
Inactive population - monthly data
Inactive population - monthly data- previous regulation (until 2020)
Inactivity rate
Age class
Highest level of education attained, age
Highest level of education attained, citizenship
Regional data
Provincial data
Statistical back recalculation
Since I 2004 - age
Inactivity rate - previous regulation (until 2020)
Highest level of education attained, age
Highest level of education attained, citizenship
Regional data
Provincial data
Statistical back recalculation
Since I 1977 - age
Since I 1977 - highest level of education attained
Since IV 1992 - age detail
Since IV 1992 - highest level of education attained, age
Since IV 1992 - regional data
Inactivity rate - monthly data
Inactivity rate - monthly data - previous regulation (until 2020)
Inactivity rate - quarterly seasonally adjusted data
Gender, age
Absolute value
Inactivity rate - quarterly seasonally adjusted data - previous regulation (until 2020)
Gender, age
Geographical areas
Supplementary data on labour market
Supplementary indicators to unemployment - previous regulation (until 2020)
Potential additional labour force - highest level of education attained, age
Potential additional labour force - citizenship, main status
Potential additional labour - regional data
Potential additional labour force - provincial data
Potential additional labour force (%)
Potential additional labour force (%) - highest level of education attained, age
Potential additional labour force (%) - citizenship
Potential additional labour (%) - regional data
Potential additional labour force (%) - provincial data
Persons available to work but not seeking - age
Persons available to work but not seeking - highest level of education attained, citizenship
Persons available to work but not seeking - main reason for not seeking employment
Persons available to work but not seeking - citizenship, main status
Persons available to work but not seeking - regional data
Persons available to work but not seeking (%)
Persons available to work but not seeking (%) - age
Persons available to work but not seeking (%) - highest level of education attained, citizenship
Persons available to work but not seeking (%) - regional data
Persons seeking work but not immediately available - gender
Persons seeking work but not immediately available - age
Persons seeking work but not immediately available - highest level of education attained
Persons seeking work but not immediately available - citizenship
Persons seeking work but not immediately available (%)
Persons seeking work but not immediately available (%) - age
Persons seeking work but not immediately available (%) - age
Persons seeking work but not immediately available (%) - highest level of education attained
Persons seeking work but not immediately available (%) - citizenship
Underemployed part-time workers and involuntary part-time - age
Underemployed part-time workers and involuntary part-time - highest level of education attained, citizenship
Underemployed part-time workers and involuntary part-time - professional status, Nace 2007
Underemployed part-time workers and involuntary part-time - professional status, Nace 2002
Underemployed part-time workers and involuntary part time (%)
Underemployed part-time workers and involuntary part-time (%) - age
Underemployed part-time workers and involuntary part-time (%) - highest level of education attained, citizenship
Underemployed part-time workers and involuntary part-time (%) - professional status, Nace 2007
Underemployed part-time workers and involuntary part-time (%) - professional status, Nace 2002
Non-partecipation rate
Non partecipation rate - highest level of education attained, age
Non partecipation rate - highest level of education attained, citizenship
Non partecipation rate - age, regional data
Non partecipation rate - highest level of education attained, regional data
Non partecipation rate - provincial data
Young people not in employment, education or training
European labour status, age
European labour status, highest level of education attained
European labour status, citizenship
European labour status, role in household
Citizenship, role in household
Regional data
Incidence of Neet
Age (%)
Labour status (%)
Citizenship (%)
Role in household (%)
Regional data (%)
Young people not in employment, education or training - previous regulation (until 2020)
European labour status, age
European labour status, highest level of education attained
European labour status, citizenship
European labour status, role in household
Citizenship, role in household
Regional data
Incidence of Neet
Age (%)
Labour status (%)
Citizenship (%)
Role in household (%)
Regional data (%)
Labour status (Italian classification)
Labour status, age
Labour status, highest level of education attained
Labour status, citizenship
Labour status, role in household
Households and labour market
Households - labour status
Presence of employed, retired and unemployed persons
Presence of employed persons and foreign members
Type of employment
Regional data
Households - labour status - previous regulation (until 2020)
Presence of employed, retired and unemployed persons
Presence of employed persons and foreign members
Type of employment
Regional data
Couple family - labour status
Presence of employed partners, working time, woman's age and number of children
Presence of employed partners, working time, woman's age and age of youngest child
Presence of employed partners, working time, age and highest level of education atteined by the woman
Labour status of partners, presence of children and highest level of education atteined by the woman
Regional data
Couple family - labour status - previous regulation (until 2020)
Presence of employed partners, working time, woman's age and number of children
Presence of employed partners, working time, woman's age and age of youngest childage and number of children
Presence of employed partners, working time, age and highest level of education atteined by the woman
Labour status of partners and woman's age
Labour status of partners, presence of children and highest level of education atteined by the woman
Regional data
Persons by role in household - labour status
Employed, unemployed and inactive persons by age
Employed, unemployed and inactive persons by highest level of education
Employed, unemployed and inactive persons by citizenship
Employed, unemployed and inactive parents by number of children
Employed unemployed and inactive parents by age of youngest child
Rates by age
Rates of parents by number of children
Rates of parents by age of youngest child
Persons by role in household - labour status - previous regulation (until 2020)
Employed, unemployed and inactive persons by age
Employed, unemployed and inactive persons by highest level of education
Employed, unemployed and inactive persons by citizenship
Employed, unemployed and inactive parents by number of children
Employed unemployed and inactive parents by age of youngest child
Rates by age
Rates of parents by number of children
Rates of parents by age of youngest child
Employment and wages
Average hourly earnings for employee jobs in the private sector
Age class
Hourly wages by country of birth
Level of education
Kind of labour contract
Hourly wages by Full-time_Part-time
Hourly wages by employees class
Hourly wages by paid days
Distribution by provinces
Gender - provincial data
Age class - provincial data
Contry of birth - provincial data
Level of education - provincial data
Type of contract - provincial data
Worting time- provincial data
Employees class - provincial data
Contractual occupation - provincial data
Paid days- provincial data
Distribution by nace 2 digit
Gender - 2 digit
Age class - 2 digit
Country of birth - 2 digit
Level of education - 2 digit
Type of contract - 2 digit
Worting time - 2 digit
Employees class - 2 digit
Contractual occupation - 2 digit
Paid days - 2 digit
Payroll jobs and hours worked in enterprises
Number of payroll jobs
Number of payroll jobs (base 2021)
Previous bases
Number of payroll jobs (base 2015)
Number of payroll jobs (base 2010)
Job vacancies - Enterprises with employees
Hours worked - Enterprises with employees
Volume of hours worked (base 2021)
Hours worked per employee (base 2021)
Overtime hours and short-time working allowance
Previous bases
Volume of hours worked (base 2015)
Hours worked per employee (base 2015)
Volume of hours worked (base 2010) - 10 and over employee
Hours worked per employee (base 2010) - 10 and over employees
Hours worked per employee (base 2005) - 10 and over employees
Hours worked - Enterprises with more than 500 employees
Hours worked per employee (base 2015)
Overtime hours and short-time working allowance hours (base 2015)
Strike hours (base 2015)
Sectors detail
Hours worked per employee - Nace 3 digit (base 2015)
Overtime hours and short-time working allowance hours - Nace 3 digit (base 2015)
Previous bases
Hours worked per employee (base 2010)
Hours worked per employee - Nace 3 digit (base 2010)
Overtime hours and short-time working allowance hours (base 2010)
Overtime hours and short-time working allowance hours - Nace 3 digit (base 2010)
Strike hours (base 2010)
Hours worked per employee (base 2005)
Overtime hours and short-time working allowance hours (base 2005)
Strike hours (base 2005)
Labour positions - Enterprises with more than 500 employees
Employment (base 2015)
Part time employment share (base 2015)
Inflow and outflow rates (base 2015)
Sectors detail
Employment - Nace 3 digit (base 2015)
Part time employment share - Nace 2 digit (base 2015)
Inflow and outflow rates - Nace 3 digit (base 2015)
Previous bases
Employment (base 2010)
Employment - Nace 3 digit (base 2010)
Part time employment share (base 2010)
Part time employment share - Nace 2 digit (base 2010)
Inflow and outflow rates (base 2010)
Inflow and outflow rates - Nace 3 digit (base 2010)
Employment (base 2005)
Part time employment share (base 2005)
Inflow and outflow rates (base 2005)
Wages in enterprises
Gross wages and salaries - Enterprises with employees
Gross earnings per full time equivalent unit (base 2021)
Previous bases
Gross earnings per full time equivalent unit (base 2015)
Gross earnings per full time equivalent unit (base 2010)
Gross earnings per full time equivalent unit (base 2005)
Gross earnings - Enterprises with more than 500 employees
Raw data (base 2015)
Raw data - Nace 3 digit (base 2015)
Seasonally adjusted data (base 2015)
Previous bases
Raw data (base 2010)
Raw data - Nace 3 digit (base 2010)
Seasonally adjusted data (base 2010)
Raw data (base 2005)
Seasonally adjusted (data base 2005)
Labour cost (Enterprises and PA)
Indicators - Enterprises with employee
Labour cost per full time equivalent unit (base 2021)
Social contributions per full time equivalent unit (base 2021)
Previous bases
Labour cost per full time equivalent unit (base 2015)
Other labour costs per full time equivalent unit (base 2015)
Labour cost per full time equivalent unit (base 2010)
Other labour costs per full time equivalent unit (base 2010)
labour cost per full time equivalent unit (base 2005)
Other labour costs per full time equivalent unit (base 2005)
Enterprises and public administrations with at least 10 employees
Enterprises with more than 500 employees
Raw data (base 2015)
Raw data - Nace 3 digit (base 2015)
Seasonally adjusted data (base 2015)
Previous bases
Raw data (base 2010)
Raw data - Nace 3 digit (base 2010)
Seasonally adjusted data (base 2010)
Raw data (base 2005)
Seasonally adjusted data (base 2005)
National labour contracts (Enterprises and PA)
Annual gross hours, net hours, holidays and other hours reduction - full-time employees (IstatData)
Wages according to collective labour agreements by economic sector (Nace rev.2) (IstatData)
Wages according to collective labour agreements by agreement (IstatData)
Gross wages and salaries - Enterprises with employees (IstatData)
Bargaining tension (IstatData)
Revisions Analysis data
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Social protection accounts
Social benefits by policy area, risk and need
Territory [1 / 1]
Aggregate (millions of euro) [26 / 68]
Policy area [4 / 4]
Risk, need [9 / 9]
Institutional sector [2 / 2]
Edition [1 / 1]
Select time [5]
All Dimensions
Table options
Text file (CSV)
Related files
My Queries
Policy area
social security
social assistance
social protection
Institutional sector
total economy
general government
Select time
Risk, need
sickness/health care
old age
social exclusion not elsewhere classified
all items
Aggregate (millions of euro)
social benefits
131 791
32 880
33 228
303 233
50 009
25 619
20 017
597 465
cash benefits
8 430
30 270
29 197
301 127
50 009
25 585
12 383
457 473
social benefits in kind
123 361
2 610
4 031
2 106
7 634
139 992
related to expenditure on products supplied to households via market producers
42 457
2 224
1 155
1 001
6 297
53 340
related to expenditure on products supplied to households via non market producers
80 904
2 876
1 105
1 337
86 652
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