Data by theme
Adjustmentraw data
Employment status
Institutional sector
Select time20192020202120222023
Breakdown by industry (NACE Rev2)
Hide subtree total economic activities24 136.821 451.423 511.324 386.924 916.2
 agriculture, forestry and fishing1 2481 186.21 222.61 207.61 179
Hide subtree mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, construction5 250.34 656.95 307.55 495.15 576.6
 mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities3 758.93 310.13 655.23 7153 767.3
 construction1 491.41 346.81 652.31 780.11 809.3
Hide subtree services17 638.515 608.316 981.217 684.218 160.6
 wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, transportation and storage, accommodation and food service activities6 092.24 898.85 458.15 8846 086.1
 information and communication577545.1589.2617.8659.6
 financial and insurance activities576.4548.9573.9570.9577.2
 real estate activities208.9175.8183205.7217.8
 professional, scientific and technical activities, administrative and support service activities2 900.92 620.92 973.73 112.13 226.8
 public administration and defence, compulsory social security, education, human health and social work activities4 600.74 440.54 664.84 716.14 805.4
 arts, entertainment and recreation, repair of household goods and other services2 682.42 378.32 538.52 577.62 587.7
Dati estratti il 14 set 2024 21:37 UTC (GMT) da I.Stat


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