foreign census population on 1st January | | 135 173 | 142 145 |
foreign live births | | 1 388 | 1 376 |
foreign deaths | | 290 | 305 |
foreign population natural increase | | 1 098 | 1 071 |
foreign immigrants from other municipalities | | 5 806 | 6 286 |
foreign emigrants to other municipalities | | 7 465 | 8 277 |
foreign population internal net migration from registry office | | -1 659 | -1 991 |
foreign registrations from other countries | | 13 807 | 13 503 |
foreign emigrants to other countries | | 1 933 | 1 446 |
foreign population international net migration | | 11 874 | 12 057 |
foreigners who acquired Italian citizenship | | 4 233 | 4 135 |
foreign increase or decrease due to territorial changes | | 0 | 0 |
foreigners-statistical adjustment | | -108 | -1 878 |
foreigners-total balance | | 6 972 | 5 124 |
foreign population on 31st December | | 142 145 | 147 269 |
foreign resident population in private household on 31st December | | 136 894 | 141 064 |
foreign resident population in institutional household on 31st December | | 5 251 | 6 205 |