Data by theme
Select time2022
Data typepersonnel of health servicespersonnel of health services per 10,000 inhabitants
Type of professional qualification
Hide subtree specialist practitioners202 61634.33
 anesthesiologists13 1872.23
 cardiologists14 8882.52
 surgeons8 6051.46
 gastroenterologists3 7710.64
 geriatricians4 6540.79
 neurologists7 2421.23
 oncologists5 0500.86
 orthopedic9 9661.69
 otolaryngologists4 7190.8
Hide subtree paediatricians16 2422.75
 general paediatricians6 9621.18
 paediatricians (not general)9 2801.57
 urologists4 5490.77
 other specialist practitioners119 02320.17
Hide subtree general practitionersInformation onitem47 2538.01
 GP's (family doctors)39 3666.67
 general practitioners (not GP's)7 8871.34
total physicians249 86942.34
dentists52 5598.91
midwives17 8633.03
nurses384 88265.22
pharmacists80 01813.56
Dati estratti il 27 Jul 2024 03:26 UTC (GMT) da I.Stat


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