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Select time2022
Underlying cause of death - European Short List
Hide subtree infectious and parasitic diseases7 7939 12116 914
 aids (hiv-disease)24276318
 viral hepatitis6897051 394
 other infectious and parasitic diseases6 6978 24614 943
Hide subtree neoplasms95 58378 983174 566
Hide subtree malignant neoplasms90 36474 573164 937
 of which malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity, pharynx1 9721 0593 031
 of which malignant neoplasm of oesophagus1 3524721 824
 of which malignant neoplasm of stomach4 9833 3958 378
 of which malignant neoplasm of colon, rectum and anus10 0048 54118 545
 of which malignant neoplasm of liver5 2232 7367 959
 of which malignant neoplasm of pancreas6 3596 61212 971
 of which malignant neoplasm of larynx1 2471851 432
 of which malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, lung21 43710 55831 995
 of which malignant melanoma of skin1 3888602 248
 of which malignant neoplasm of breast14212 87113 013
 of which malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri..486486
 of which mal neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of uterus..2 6452 645
 of which malignant neoplasm of ovary..3 2173 217
 of which malignant neoplasm of prostate7 787..7 787
 of which malignant neoplasm of kidney2 2511 1993 450
 of which malignant neoplasm of bladder4 6291 3135 942
 of which malignant neoplasm of brain and central nervous system2 4801 8684 348
 of which malignant neoplasm of thyroid229298527
 of which hodgkin disease and lymphomas2 7642 1394 903
 of which leukaemia3 4152 7086 123
 of which other malignant neoplasm of lymph./haematopoietic tissue1 7411 5933 334
 of which other malignant neoplasms10 9619 81820 779
 non-malignant neoplasms (benign and uncertain)5 2194 4109 629
diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism1 6562 4574 113
Hide subtree endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases15 33718 47333 810
 diabetes mellitus11 59713 37224 969
 other endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases3 7405 1018 841
Hide subtree mental and behavioural disorders9 18218 83528 017
 dementia7 82817 57425 402
 alcohol abuse (including alcoholic psychosis)25244296
 drug dependence, toxicomania16031191
 other mental and behavioural disorders9421 1862 128
Hide subtree diseases of the nervous system and the sense organs14 70718 34533 052
 parkinson's disease5 3314 1589 489
 alzheimer's disease3 6428 08311 725
 other diseases of the nervous system and the sense organs5 7346 10411 838
Hide subtree diseases of the circulatory system97 225125 492222 717
Hide subtree ischaemic heart diseases31 94527 10759 052
 of which acute myocardial infarction11 0897 76018 849
 of which other ischaemic heart diseases20 85619 34740 203
 other heart diseases21 84230 80252 644
 cerebrovascular diseases22 25732 40354 660
 other diseases of the circulatory system21 18135 18056 361
Hide subtree diseases of the respiratory system26 89623 79050 686
 pneumonia6 7246 59813 322
Hide subtree chronic lower respiratory diseases12 42810 01422 442
 of which asthma145329474
 of which other chronic lower respiratory diseases12 2839 68521 968
 other diseases of the respiratory system7 6367 06014 696
Hide subtree diseases of the digestive system12 30211 90724 209
 ulcer of stomach, duodenum and jejunum408287695
 cirrhosis, fibrosis and chronic hepatitis3 2821 6864 968
 other diseases of the digestive system8 6129 93418 546
diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue5561 1311 687
Hide subtree diseases of the musculoskeletal system/connective tissue1 1162 9094 025
 rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthrosis2411 0271 268
 other diseases of the musculoskeletal system/connective tissue8751 8822 757
Hide subtree diseases of the genitourinary system7 8548 85616 710
 diseases of kidney and ureter5 0075 60210 609
 other diseases of the genitourinary system2 8473 2546 101
complications of pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium..1414
certain conditions originating in the perinatal period384292676
congenital malformations and chromosomal abnormalities6866231 309
Hide subtree symptoms, signs, ill-defined causes12 12218 13630 258
 sudden infant death syndrome10919
 unknown and unspecified causes6 9706 23613 206
 other symptoms, signs, ill-defined causes5 14211 89117 033
Hide subtree Covid-1927 38624 24451 630
 Covid-19, virus identified27 30024 14151 441
 Covid-19, virus not identified7495169
 Covid-19, other12820
Hide subtree external causes of injury and poisoning15 40012 18127 581
Hide subtree accidents11 92410 95422 878
 of which transport accidents2 7627323 494
 of which accidental falls2 8952 6165 511
 of which drowning and accidental submersion26459323
 of which accidental poisoning368189557
 of which other accidents5 6357 35812 993
 suicide and intentional self-harm3 0668403 906
 homicide, assault15496250
 events of undetermined intent538
 other external causes of injury and poisoning251288539
all causes of death346 185375 789721 974
Dati estratti il 30 Mar 2025 03:29 UTC (GMT) da I.Stat


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