Data by theme
Policy area
Institutional sector
Select time20192020202120222023
Aggregate (millions of euro)
Hide subtree revenues
Hide subtree social contributionsInformation onitem277 233263 736283 432300 720310 311
Hide subtree employers' social contributions194 464184 527199 216211 225220 139
 actual 181 869172 273185 425197 547205 742
 imputed 12 59512 25413 79113 67814 397
Hide subtree social contributions by the protected persons82 03278 43283 37988 72289 369
 employees 47 41344 37448 84050 37948 193
 self-employed persons34 61934 05834 53938 34341 176
 non-employed persons737777837773803
Hide subtree current transfers (revenues)254 616310 339304 170300 129320 039
 central governmentInformation onitem204 898265 912252 405237 360259 573
 local government 46 29841 52949 16159 49557 466
 social security funds00000
 corporations 2 1372 0391 8662 3101 992
 households1 2838597389641 008
 capital income2 6712 5612 7813 4173 636
 other revenues3 6943 7393 9153 9083 739
 total current revenues538 214580 375594 298608 174637 725
Hide subtree expenditures
Hide subtree social benefits 507 808551 800560 656576 941596 984
 cash benefits 389 411427 193430 202440 445458 974
Hide subtree social benefits in kind118 397124 607130 454136 496138 010
 related to expenditure on products supplied to households via market producers 45 72546 16047 81349 75952 328
Hide subtree related to expenditure on products supplied to households via non market producers72 67278 44782 64186 73785 682
 compensation of employees35 85736 41037 30139 89339 109
 intermediate consumption35 91039 70043 38645 00044 979
 consumption of fixed capital2 9302 9863 1483 1372 949
 taxes on production and imports2 4312 5232 6172 7122 741
 operating surplus00000
 minus: market output and residual sales-4 456-3 172-3 811-4 005-4 096
Hide subtree current transfers (expenditure)5 2686 5625 5154 3994 536
 central government2 9023 8803 1662 1082 169
 local government 515646622554561
 social security funds00000
 corporations 516721502533491
 householdsInformation onitem521586458488498
 npish 814729767716817
Hide subtree administrative services10 68311 10611 46911 93112 593
 compensation of employees5 3265 3145 2985 4225 704
 intermediate consumption4 7475 1605 5195 8136 162
 consumption of fixed capital812797814825855
 taxes on production and imports 323326327328352
 minus: output for own final use and residual salesInformation onitem-525-491-489-457-480
Hide subtree other expenditure1 1131 1421 3371 2331 121
 of which: interests 00000
 total current expenditure524 872570 610578 977594 504615 234
balance between current revenues and expenditure 13 3429 76515 32113 67022 491
ttitle for the grouping
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