Data by theme
Select time20202021202220232024
birth rate (per thousand inhabitant)
death rate (per thousand inhabitant)12.511.912.111.4..
natural balance (per thousand inhabitant)-5.6-5.1-5.5-4.9..
marriage rate (per thousand inhabitant)
net migration rate due to internal migration (per thousand inhabitant)0000..
net migration rate from abroad (per thousand inhabitant)
net migration rate due to other reasons (per thousand inhabitant)Information onitem-2.6-1.1......
total migration rate (per thousand inhabitant)-
growth rate (per thousand inhabitant)-6.7-3.5-0.6-0.4..
total fertility rate - TFR1.
mean age at childbearing32.232.432.432.5..
life expectancy at birth - males79.880.380.681..
life expectancy at 65 - males18.318.818.919.4..
life expectancy at birth - females84.584.884.885.1..
life expectancy at 65 - females21.72221.922.3..
life expectancy at birth - total82.182.582.683..
life expectancy at 65 - total2020.420.420.9..
population aged 0-14 (percentage values) - on 1st January1312.912.712.412.2
population aged 15-64 (percentage values) - on 1st January63.863.663.563.563.5
population aged 65 and over (percentage values) - on 1st January23.223.523.82424.3
dependency ratio (percentage values) - on 1st January56.757.357.557.457.6
old age dependency ratio (percentage values) - on 1st January36.43737.537.838.4
ageing index (percentage values) - on 1st January179.4182.6187.6193.1199.8
mean age of the population - on 1st January45.745.946.246.446.6
Dati estratti il 16 feb 2025 02:14 UTC (GMT) da I.Stat


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