Data by theme
Data typedeaths
Select time2021
Ageno response0 years1-4 years5-9 years10-14 years15-19 years20-24 years25-29 years30-34 years35-39 years40-44 years45-49 years50-54 years55-59 years60-64 years65-69 years70-74 years75-79 years80-84 years85-89 years90-94 years95 years and overtotal
Underlying cause of death - European Short List
Hide subtree infectious and parasitic diseases..179..2411273156921502913724655961 1501 6692 8973 3712 55187714 638
 aids (hiv-disease)..1........261124254057655025181414553365
 viral hepatitis............1..29173497938472122165257256161421 412
 other infectious and parasitic diseases..168..23712141844711222093184889911 4752 5853 0712 35582112 630
Hide subtree neoplasms..9557665881011893146471 3032 7625 2068 45312 05216 34123 56826 45332 12026 60014 0394 070174 511
Hide subtree malignant neoplasms..448676083981763056211 2542 6775 0508 22211 75015 86822 73225 25730 23624 49812 6043 571165 181
 of which malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity, pharynx..........1215172887154289339374379391419344236793 145
 of which malignant neoplasm of oesophagus............157414385215717425225926628816874311 790
 of which malignant neoplasm of stomach..........1..91931721342804105177341 1011 1831 5151 3567081618 231
 of which malignant neoplasm of colon, rectum and anus..........15824511302654898001 1741 6012 2422 6233 6913 2401 80650218 652
 of which malignant neoplasm of liver..........23781832762434936938321 2661 3271 4761 0694571008 102
 of which malignant neoplasm of pancreas....1........6725531443506711 0991 4632 0102 1442 4541 71882717613 148
 of which malignant neoplasm of larynx................21323489813314820821423016868211 365
 of which malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, lung......1......116501363548551 6092 6233 9105 5235 8725 5093 6461 41327931 797
 of which malignant melanoma of skin......1..231013235996114153155187262271339258137462 129
 of which malignant neoplasm of breast............26441142435086989461 0151 0461 3411 4491 8751 8451 18553912 856
 of which malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri..............3112131356954424447424041144498
 of which mal neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of uterus..............65163072118164227278393357424312181512 634
 of which malignant neoplasm of ovary........112481446118220294332351459423485286137423 223
 of which malignant neoplasm of prostate....................2733792404398261 1611 8701 8841 0923247 957
 of which malignant neoplasm of kidney......41..115142352109164283333471490634562249653 461
 of which malignant neoplasm of bladder..................2824641252394217099311 2461 2497171945 929
 of which malignant neoplasm of brain and central nervous system....11211415141941548516829741045853562956646528689134 190
 of which malignant neoplasm of thyroid..............11431318253952741019686457565
 of which hodgkin disease and lymphomas....12121013134240791382142924787418371 100821307595 190
 of which leukaemia..215819202026253348811381802684467609491 2521 0375271415 995
 of which other malignant neoplasm of lymph./haematopoietic tissue........11..1..36235592192252457595803583240603 364
 of which other malignant neoplasms..220302337354951841622805087951 2161 6922 5753 0654 0253 5392 09567720 960
 non-malignant neoplasms (benign and uncertain)..5795531392649851562313024738361 1961 8842 1021 4354999 330
diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism..8425310512714335691821342273456769238724613 970
Hide subtree endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases..20591115172733511452464687471 1061 6762 6683 7966 0127 4315 8062 55132 840
 diabetes mellitus......2..126913541032354247371 2142 0462 9914 7585 8534 4821 83924 769
 other endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases..2057111415212438911432333233694626228051 2541 5781 3247128 071
Hide subtree mental and behavioural disorders1....114816194268981961892423667621 5704 0966 8326 9793 69525 185
 dementia................1....1612491465271 3223 8266 5566 7953 63022 871
 alcohol abuse (including alcoholic psychosis)..............419212752394834332919115..332
 drug dependence, toxicomania..........1625182421371586414121156
 other mental and behavioural disorders1....11321012152349101123137180198218247264177641 826
Hide subtree diseases of the nervous system and the sense organs11826143038495942851402404316538921 4302 6834 1537 1657 3674 5321 54531 593
 parkinson's disease....................15831842356791 3212 4452 3201 1983078 634
 alzheimer's disease......................1825982796251 3742 7863 3902 20266811 456
 other diseases of the nervous system and the sense organs11826143038495942851392344155977109161 3791 4581 9341 6571 13257011 503
Hide subtree diseases of the circulatory system117116182855971382855511 1941 9753 2454 6487 14812 34418 66335 49452 30351 48327 819217 523
Hide subtree ischaemic heart diseases....1....351126631794507931 3651 9042 7514 2985 8649 88413 38612 2176 19659 396
 of which acute myocardial infarction............5520361413095278471 1071 4441 9982 3603 1843 5032 6051 07119 162
 of which other ischaemic heart diseases....1....3..6627381412665187971 3072 3003 5046 7009 8839 6125 12540 234
 other heart diseases..1253620204754861392523675487441 1652 2413 5917 72912 61713 3087 02449 978
 cerebrovascular diseases..12254161735811162553976049641 6293 1105 1099 87113 48911 9845 99253 683
 other diseases of the circulatory system143171142223551172374187281 0361 6032 6954 0998 01012 81113 9748 60754 466
Hide subtree diseases of the respiratory system..14855722213346901732975038811 5163 1264 7568 55611 2939 3994 47845 229
 pneumonia..43....27511123142641011722455159311 9732 8492 5641 27910 810
Hide subtree chronic lower respiratory diseases....1221225101539991983836861 4842 2153 9395 2684 2281 89020 469
 of which asthma......21..1..1141515182421244467819262473
 of which other chronic lower respiratory diseases....1..1112491124841803596651 4602 1713 8725 1874 1361 82819 996
 other diseases of the respiratory system..1043331213172444911342043255851 1241 6062 6423 1742 6031 30513 926
Hide subtree diseases of the digestive system197137151145831823876759731 2361 3702 2172 8034 2554 6413 4301 31723 668
 ulcer of stomach, duodenum and jejunum..............1..13813243533689314016812238747
 cirrhosis, fibrosis and chronic hepatitis..........122133282188363466555494672633794540227475 111
 other diseases of the digestive system1971361383250971912994836468431 4772 0773 3213 9333 0811 23217 810
diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue..............11237132728351021143093463451941 527
Hide subtree diseases of the musculoskeletal system/connective tissue....1......743122337591071421913214366848076713323 837
 rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthrosis....................166142336841162172952811361 215
 other diseases of the musculoskeletal system/connective tissue....1......74312223153931191552373204675123901962 622
Hide subtree diseases of the genitourinary system11....14226112340771352754088331 2962 6893 9763 6331 69815 111
 diseases of kidney and ureter11....14215101929581061893015988521 7372 6052 3051 1539 977
 other diseases of the genitourinary system..............1114111929861072354449521 3711 3285455 134
complications of pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium............1312111..................10
certain conditions originating in the perinatal period..612243523342537423313....671
congenital malformations and chromosomal abnormalities..2902816242216192624457290137124947751665731101 319
Hide subtree symptoms, signs, ill-defined causes1053163648761141291632923975767207049001 1891 5292 9084 6365 8155 40125 685
 sudden infant death syndrome..15........................................15
 unknown and unspecified causes1034132544641021171462453394966255696948679011 3091 5771 36794610 472
 other symptoms, signs, ill-defined causes..4311412121217475880951352063226281 5993 0594 4484 45515 198
Hide subtree Covid-191..22661134531211984899521 7112 8704 5277 3779 19012 06812 3388 6563 30363 915
 Covid-19, virus identified1..22661134511181934849421 6942 8574 4997 3479 14611 99412 2528 5673 27263 478
 Covid-19, virus not identified................23459151322253868828831405
 Covid-19, other....................1..12..656641..32
Hide subtree external causes of injury and poisoning463222583104474795365346728619301 0449621 0431 4681 9293 4424 7454 2211 99225 737
Hide subtree accidents462717412053093143363093994755566015946951 0911 6003 0604 4234 0661 96421 092
 of which transport accidents....95221652302121931832052032502482061892271792391634383 179
 of which accidental falls....7..19172531283265741111051783024558611 2229644604 947
 of which drowning and accidental submersion2..57513141914791116192516244324102..285
 of which accidental poisoning..........216153831514647342021264043461810504
 of which other accidents26651316324360601021501691892382915128831 8932 9823 0391 48612 177
 suicide and intentional self-harm......1149612515117820124835234440432629029125726521285123 852
 homicide, assault....53271214212018272320151919161057..263
 events of undetermined intent..................1..................1....2
 other external causes of injury and poisoning......1121..1377719273967561071046316528
all causes of death201 0742061612385898501 1111 4252 1753 8447 19212 29619 11426 71337 77760 11578 756123 438147 669122 46359 743706 969
Dati estratti il 19 Apr 2024 19:15 UTC (GMT) da I.Stat


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